Running From Fate

Running From Fate Read Online Free PDF

Book: Running From Fate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rose Connelly
over.  To start with, she’d need to find a good, and relatively cheap real estate agent.  The thought of losing her home, a place she’d spent so much time making her own, was heart wrenching, but it was much too expensive for her too keep up with.  She hadn’t even built up equity, but it looked like she’d be downgrading.
    A blinking red light caught her eye, pulling her from her depressing thoughts.   Perhaps, she thought, the interview had gone better than she had imagined and they had called to offer her a job.   With a glimmer of her former optimism she jump ed off the sofa and hit the play button.
    The atmosphere in the living room immediately darkened as a heavy silence came from the answering machine.  Technically, there was nothing really threatening about the calls, from what the police said anyway.  There was no heavy breathing, no softly spoken words.  It was as if someone had called, realized they had the wrong number, and hung up improperly.
    But Mira knew there was a person waiting behind the silence, wishing her nothing but harm.  She started shivering uncontrollably and hit buttons until the message stopped.  She had been thinking about a glass of wine, but right now the whole bottle sounded better.  Heading into the k itchen, she grabbed a bottle from her diminishing stock, found her corkscrew, and took out a glass.
    She brought them back into the living room and placed them on the coffee table while she sorted through her collection of movies.  A nice, cheerful romantic comedy seemed just the thing to take her mind off the situation.
    Half way through My Big Fat Greek Wedding and on her second glass of wine she noticed that the light on the answering machine was still blinking, indicating another message.  With her composure fully restored she got up.  If it was another threatening call she could just erase it along with the first one, which she should have done earlier.
    The minute the message started she was transported back to her younger days.  She found herself smiling as Pat Kelly’s voice filled the room.
    “Why have you not called me lass?  Have you had any luck finding work?  Are ye getting enough to eat?”  He sighed heavily.  “You know I’ve no liking for these things as I’d rather be talking to a person.  Well, ring me as soon as you can.  I’m too old to be worrying like this.”
    As if Patrick Kelly spent all his time sitting around at home worrying about her.  He was far more likely to be out at a baseball game or down at the bar with one of his friends, or invo lved in some project or another, but she did miss him.
    It might not be such a bad idea to pay him a visit after s he took care of things here and found a good realtor .  Who knows, Mira thought, as she settled back on the sofa with a new glass of wine, she might even find some architectural firm o n the East Coast who had never even heard of her.

C hapter 5
May 28 th , 2009
    From the outside the house looke d exactly the same.  The same t w o oak trees, a little bigger than she remembered them, still flanked the wide, stone path.  O n the narrow front porch sat an old rocking chair with a fad ed afghan tossed over it.  D own the street Mira could hear the sound of barking . From the wheezing , labored sound of it , Mr. Johnson’s ancient dog was still protecti ng the neighborhood.
    She stood , taking in the faded brick façade of the townhouse and breathing in the sweet scent of the lavender that Fiona Kelly had planted years ago.  Fiona had been dead for a long time now , but it was obvious that someone was still tending her flowers .  The sight of the pretty blossoms made her smile, something she sorely needed.
    The past few months had been a difficult and trying time for her.  Having to sell her beautiful house because she could no longer afford the mortgage had been hard enough, but the loss of a career and reputation that had taken years to build had been
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