Ruby Guardian

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Book: Ruby Guardian Read Online Free PDF
Author: Thomas M. Reid
immediate payment for my other ventures.”
    “A minor setback, nothing more,” the Grand Trabbar replied, moving to sit in the other comfortable chair. “With such a sizeable army already in our control, these new funds are more than enough to keep the mercenaries loyal to us for the entire campaign year. Remember, it is not a simple plan we’ve constructed, and you must have patience.
    “We’ve made it seem like the city of Reth has finally thrown down the gauntlet at Hlath, indeed
    all of Arrabar, over logging rights. You know that soon enough, Hlath will be forced to respond. All we need now are to get the druids angry enough at both sides to divert the Emerald Enclave’s attention from anything else. With a full-scale war raging all along the coastal border of the Nunwood, our own lumber operations elsewhere will be in high demand. Your coffers will begin to fill to overflowing soon enough with the high price of lumber, and when that happens, the creditors will be clamoring for your investments once more. Nothing remains frozen for long in the business dealings of Arrabar.”
    Grozier snorted. “That’s easy for you to say,” he replied dryly, still pacing. “Your role in all of this has been carefully cleansed so no taint is visible. Underlings stepping beyond their bounds, business associates blundering without your knowledge. The whole city isn’t clamoring for your head on a pike right now.”
    “You’re fortunate your head is not already on a pike,” the priest scolded, folding his fingers in his lap. “You could still be locked in the cells at the bottom of the temple. At least here, you are safe and untouchable. You have doubled the guards, as I suggested?”
    Grozier waved the question away impatiently. “Yes, yes, the estate is safe. No one is going to slip onto the grounds without being seen. And Bartimus here has even established some magical alarms to inform us if someone tries anything more subtle.”
    “Then all you need to do is be patient until the furor dies down. None of the other Houses in the city truly care what you have done. They only cry for justice to keep attention away from their own dealings, equally questionable operations that should not suffer the harsh glare of public scrutiny. You’re simply the news at the moment, nothing more.”
    “I suppose you’re right,” Grozier said at last, slumping down into his chair once again. “But it burns me nonetheless. I do not take well to humiliation. House Matrell needs to feel a little of that for a change.”
    “And they will; I assure you,” Grand Trabbar Lavant said, leaning forward and placing a hand upon his ally’s arm. “They will have their due. We will make sure of it.”
    “But how?” Grozier asked, looking disgusted once more. “Hetta’s brood seems to have nothing better to do than to attempt to spy on us and everything we have in motion. And I cannot believe that Kovrim Lazelle hasn’t proven to be more of a thorn in your side.”
    “Do not worry about Kovrim, or Vambran,” Lavant said coldly. “I already have signed the orders to have them both shipped on a mercy mission to a sister temple in Cimbar. With Kovrim away on campaign, he can’t snoop around in my affairs. Once Mestel’s `friends’ deal with the two of them, they won’t be a problem any longer.”
    “Good,” Grozier said, though he still sounded grumpy to Bartimus.
    “You will also be glad to know that my latest divinations seem to confirm what I foresaw the last time we spoke. Everything is falling into place for even more support for our cause.”
    “Truly?” Grozier asked, an eager gleam appearing in his eyes. “And you have the backing in the temple to take advantage of it?”
    “I believe so,” Lavant replied. “We will know soon enough. In the meantime, we must get a better handle on what House Matrell is up to if we hope to take advantage of any weaknesses. Divide and conquer is our motto, but even with Vambran and Kovrim
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