Rogue's Challenge

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Book: Rogue's Challenge Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jo Barrett
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
number of items that would make my visit here more productive and safe."
    "Are you two going tae stand around all day? My wife isna a patient lass,” Colin called back to them.
    "You just wish to get back to her,” Ian said with a laugh, warm and rich. “A more besotted Scot I have ne'er seen. Go on ahead, and we shall be along in a thrice."
    Colin chuckled. “Aye, now there's a grand idea."
    The horse took off leaving a trail of dust behind. Jenny couldn't help but smile ... on the outside. On the inside she was jealous. To have a man love her that much would be the greatest gift.
    "Now, mistress. ‘Tis time to make haste,” Ian said, his hold on her tightening just before he lifted her off her feet.
    "What is this propensity you have with picking me up?"
    "'Tis logical,” he said with a chuckle. “You are small. I am big. I wish to get to the castle quickly and cannot leave you behind to find your way."
    "You said you'd leave me in the clearing."
    "Aye, that I did. But I have now come to realize that Colin would have my head if I were to do so. Ergo, we ride."
    She squeaked as he climbed aboard his massive horse with her in his arms, her lids clamped closed while she held on with all her might.
    "I shall not drop you,” he said softly in her ear. She relaxed a smidgeon, her mind quickly running away with that wonderful voice of his, dreaming of other things he might say and what he'd be doing when he said them.
    Then the horse moved.
    He chuckled as she clutched at him. “Drake is a gentle animal, he will not harm you. You are quite safe."
    "You're sure?"
    "I gather you have ne'er sat upon a horse before."
    "No. Terrified of them, to be exact,” she said, with a faint shake of her head, as she buried her face deeper into his doublet.
    Ian shifted in his saddle somewhat, surprised by his reaction to the woman. They did not get on well, although he liked her form and face, her temperament left much to be desired. But for her to openly admit her fear was a brave thing. And yet to be afraid of horses was unfathomable to him. The beasts had always held a fascination for Ian, their beauty, their grace, their strength ... aye, other men's horseflesh could prove difficult at times, but not his.
    Determined to sway her fear as much as possible, he said, “You are safe, I swear it on my life. I will not let anything happen to you.” He dismissed the fierce protective tone his voice had taken and cleared his throat. “Open your eyes or you shall miss your first glimpse of Arreyder Castle in my time."
    "You know I can't see. Not really,” she muttered against his chest.
    "'Tis that bad, truly?"
    "Yes. I'm extremely myopic. That means—"
    "I know what myopic means."
    "Oh. Um, well, my case is bad enough that I have to be within a foot of something to see it, and even then not all that well."
    Ian resisted the urge to stroke her long braid dancing over her shoulder as they left the trees and approached the castle. Perhaps she was right, perhaps he had made a rash decision by returning so soon. How could she aid Amelia when she could not see?
    "How much farther?” she asked.
    "Not far. Bleary-eyed or no, would you not care to see?"
    He watched as she tentatively opened her eyes and peered about, her grip on his doublet, however did not lighten.
    She squinted, quite charmingly then frowned. “No, I'm afraid I can't see anything. The castle is intact in my time so I doubt there would be that much difference. There's a road, a parking lot, some shops, and loads of tourists, but no villagers."
    "No villagers? Who plants the crops, tends the fields and cattle?"
    "No one. The lands are managed in other ways in my time."
    She went on to expound on the economic structure of Scotland in her time, thoroughly fascinating Ian. Amelia had many a marvelous tale to tell, but hers were of exploits, adventures, and the like around the world. This was minute detail he could never have hoped to gleam from his lady friend.
    "I'm sorry. You
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