Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: K.T Fisher
outside to his car. Completely happy with himself. What the hell is happening? And why is he talking to his media manager about me for press? That's not necessary.
    As soon as I step further into the salon Tanya marches up to me, grabs hold of my wrist and doesn't let go until we get into the staff room. Everyone's getting their tables ready for the day so it's empty.
    "What is going on with you two?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Yesterday he had you screaming and crying. Now he's dropping you off at work with a sloppy goodbye kiss. You look like a couple for Christ sake. What has happened since you left Sophies yesterday? All I got was a text telling me you're fine late last night. I knew I should have come over."
    "He came by yesterday and we spoke for hours. We talked about everything. He asked about Finley and I let him meet him. They're perfect together Tan, Finley adores him."
    She huffs and puts her hands on her hips.
    "Well OK, that sounds fair enough but why was he here this morning?"
    Her eyes widen.
    "Oh my God! You didn't?"
    "What? No!"
    I quickly explain why he was over this morning. Although I have a sneaky feeling he was going to come over before I had even told him about Finley crying. Then I realize, Jax still has my car keys.
    After I've stopped talking Tanya's face has softened a little but her hands are still on those hips of hers.
    "I like the man and everything Kendal but what he did yesterday I will never forget. I hope you know I gave him a piece of my mind when you ran out."
    I would think so. If she didn't she wouldn't be the Tanya I know.
    "Are you getting back together?"
    "No. He just wants to spend time with Finley."
    "But you love him."
    I nod at her. Of course I love him but I don't think I should let my feelings enter this whole mess. It will make it a lot harder when I'm around Jax. I'm going to have to tell him to stop the kisses because I can't concentrate when those lips are on mine. After Finley's words this morning, I don't want him getting the wrong idea about us.
    As I'm putting my bag away safely into my locker I feel my phone vibrate. I'm thinking it might be Jax but it's my mum.
    MUM: What R U doing 4 UR dinner today? We need 2 talk x
    Oh dear. That doesn't sound so good. Better to get this over with but shit I don't have my car. Fucking Jax.
    ME: I'm free but I didn't drive to work today. I need a lift x
    MUM: Y? UR dad will B there. What time? x
    ME: Ill explain later. 12 please x
    MUM: UR dad will B there. Love U x
    ME: Love you x
    I set my phone back in my bag and lock it away.
    "Who was that?"
    "Mum, wants me over for dinner."
    "Cool. Can I tag along?"
    I wish.
    "I'd love you to but I think it's going to be an intense conversation. I need to tell them everything."
    Tanya grimaces and then starts laughing.
    "Good luck."
    Oh thanks.
    As soon as I left Kendal I rang our media manager, Angie. I need to have this woman on fucking speed dial now. I have to protect Finley, I saw Kendal's face when he mentioned getting photographed.
    Basically the whole story that will be fed to the media, when they find out for themselves, is that me and Kendal have been on and off since we were eighteen. She got pregnant when we got signed but we won't say anything about Kendal keeping me in the dark. What will be said though is that when Finley was about four months old we separated because the band was everywhere and we never saw each other. I decided I wanted to keep them a secret so they didn't get attention. I didn't want them hounded, I wanted my son to have a normal life. The media will think I kept in touch with them, that I saw Finley whenever I had the chance. Throughout the last four years we will tell them that me and Kendal tried to give it another shot but because the band have always been mad crazy, we never had the chance.
    Now as a band, we've all decided we need to slow our schedule down a bit. After four years living from a tour bus we want to only have one tour a year rather than
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