Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

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Book: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: K.T Fisher
any celebrities or filthy rich people in town this is where they go. My part of London is the nice quiet part where there is more greenery and parks rather than buildings and traffic. It's not so far from it all though, only a short drive away. I didn't want Finley growing up in the busy part and I didn't want him away from everything where he would be bored and I knew this area would be perfect. I grew up not far from here and always loved this area so when I was pregnant I moved into my own little house. Not long after my parents moved closer and Sam and Jessica decided to buy their own house and they actually live around the corner. We still have a busy town, it's popular down here but thank god it's not as busy as the main London area. Plus we get pretty views here. The main reason this little quiet heaven is here is because this is where the big houses are, so there tucked away nicely for privacy. There way back in the town though, about twenty minutes from my house. Where the normal people live.
       I get out my car and look around at the impressive cars that surround me. I walk around my car which looks like a crappy car here compared to everything else. I own a silver VW Beatle convertible which is very shiny and not at all run down but here, with all these top very expensive cars it's a bit intimidating. I get my supplies out the boot and make my way to the hotels front doors which are huge and glass. I try not to drool at the very clean and shiny marble floor and make my way to the front desk. I can't help but feel very out of place here and hope that my client isn't some stuck up prune. I'm one of those typical hairdressers that loves a good chat while I'm going about my business. I can't have a good chat with someone who looks down there nose at me can I? Sitting behind the desk is a woman who looks like she could be in her late thirties, she looks like she's trying her very best to look younger even though she is failing. She scowls her face up at me and looks me over in my uniform like she's better than me.
          "Hi, I'm here to see Miss Sophie James."
    She raises her eyebrow at me like I'm stupid. I hate people like her, thinking she's better than me.
         "I'll just ring her room, what's your name?"
    Geesh! Has anyone ever taught this woman manners? I tell her my name and that I'm from Bianca's Beauty. Her voice has that irritating nasal sound to it. She picks up the phone and talks in a much polite tone than how she talked to me. I guess the only way you get respect around here is with your money.
       "Hello Miss James, I have a Miss Kendal Moore here from Bianca's Beauty."
    She listens to the woman on the other end and nods.
          "OK I will send her right up."
    She hangs up and her nasty tone returns when she talks to me to tell me the floor and room I need to go to. As I walk to the elevators and wait until I reach the top floor I mutter every bad word I can think of to describe that stuck up bitch downstairs. I'd love to walk up to her one day and book a room here, see how her attitude changes then. That's never going to happen though. The elevator dings and the doors open to a very large corridor. The marble is replaced by a dark wooden flooring with white clean walls. If I'm on the top floor that means Sophie James must be a rich woman to afford one of the best rooms the hotel has to offer.
       I knock on the big black door and hear the clicking of heels. The door opens and a very pretty girl who looks about my age smiles back at me. She has long black hair, hazel eyes, she's petit, well she would be without those killer heels on. Gorgeous, tiny frame and big boobs. The kind of girl where you wish that she's a bitch so you have a reason to hate her.
          "Hi are you Sophie James?"
    She beams her big white smile and nods.
       "Yes hi, I'm sorry I had you come here. I don't know my way around yet and my boyfriend hasn't
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