Risk of a Lifetime

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Book: Risk of a Lifetime Read Online Free PDF
Author: Claudia Shelton
good at what he had become—a loner who got the job done. Sure there were times he ended up in a bad situation, but he always found a way out. Worked smarter the next time. Got stronger.
    Did he think he was invincible? Hell, no. But he knew he’d fight to the end. The day he finally went down and didn’t get back up, no one would say he hadn’t given everything he had. No big deal. That was the risk he faced every day.
    After all, what good was life without a little risk?

Chapter Three
    The morning nurse shooed JB out of Marcy’s room so she could change her bandages and give the bed a quick clean-up. He took the opportunity to grab some breakfast in the hospital cafeteria. Focused on his third cup of strong, hot, black coffee, his eyes were at least open.
    Last night had been long and uncomfortable in the recliner next to her bed. He’d spent most of the time calming her moans and scared mutterings. Even with medications, she still tossed and turned. Might even help if they took her off some of the pain killers.
    He didn’t like sitting around doing nothing. The nurse had said to give her an hour. By his watch, that hour had come and gone fifteen minutes ago. Time to get back. Marcy’s scream met him as he turned the corner. He charged through the door to her room.
    A man stood next to her bed while she flailed her arms at him. Blood trickled from the IV in her hand. The man lowered his forearm across her chest, and she clawed at his face.
    JB grabbed the man from behind and flung him across the room. Dropped him to the floor with one swift maneuver. Braced his hand and arm against the back of the intruder’s head and dug his knee into the man’s back. “Don’t even think about moving.”
    Dr. Crowley charged in to the room and pushed the call button. “Get security down here stat. And a nurse.”
    “Cool it, JB. It’s me.” The man on the floor didn’t fight back. “Agent Landon.”
    JB eased his hold. “Landon? When did you get to town? Better question, what the hell are you doing in here?”
    “Trying to find you. Wilson said this job was top priority, so I drove in last night. I thought you might be able to help when I interview this Leon guy.” The man stood up, brushed himself off. “One look inside the door told me something was wrong. She was ripping at her IV. Banging her head against the side rails. Already had the oxygen tube tossed away.”
    “Help me. Help me.” She backpedaled on the mattress. Her feet slipped. She got nowhere.
    The doctor worked to calm Marcy down as the nurse cancelled security.
    JB rushed to her side, lowered the bedrail, and climbed in beside her. “You’re okay, sugar. Everything’s okay.”
    She clutched at his shirt as he folded her in his arms.
    “I’m right here, Marcy.” He stroked her hair, kissing her forehead. He needed to stop doing that. And for damn sure stop calling her sugar.
    “JB?” Her breathing slowed as her body wilted against his. “Am I okay? Did you get him?”
    He gripped her closer. “You’ll be fine. Your IV needs a little repair work, though.” He fingered the blood on top of her hand where the needle dangled from the tape strapped across her skin.
    The nurse rushed to her side and worked to stop the bleeding.
    Landon approached the end of Marcy’s bed, and she cringed, grabbing onto JB tighter. The fear on her face made him take a second look at the man.
    Tall and built like a defensive center, Landon could be an imposing presence. Never mind his squarer-than-square jaw, a twice-broken nose, buzz-cut hair, and heterochromic eyes—one blue, one brown. Even with his tinted contacts to correct the coloring, his look disconcerted a lot of people the first time they met him.
    “Could be she simply had a reaction to the medication.” The nurse re-hooked tubes to the machines. “Happens.”
    The doctor nodded.
    JB worked to remain objective. What was she seeing? What had happened before he burst into the room? Hallucinations?
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