
Riordan Read Online Free PDF

Book: Riordan Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance
told her that. “I’m sending you the link to your phone. You should read that
    before I go much further. I don’t know why you want this information, sir, and I’m not one to
    pry. But if you plan to close this place down, I want you to know that I will quit right now.”
    “Why would you think I have intentions of closing the place down?” Then it occurred to
    him. “Mac told you what happened the other day, didn’t he?”
    “He did.” While she was as professional as she always was, he could hear the anger in her
    voice. “And I, for one, would hope that you learn to curb your inner cat before you go in there
    again and have an entire platoon on your ass.”
    The phone didn’t slam down, but it might as well have. He held onto his temper for as long
    as he could until he had to move. Leaving everything in the truck, including his phone, he got out
    and stretched. He needed a run and a hard one. Taking off his shirt and tie, he laid them neatly on
    the seat and then kicked off his shoes. As he made his way barefooted to the woods behind the
    house, he tried to think of where in the last several weeks he’d gotten so…so angry.
    He knew that he’d been impatient at work, and short with a few people that he’d had to go
    back and apologize to. Then there were times when he’d snapped at his dad, his brothers…even
    his mom. And when he’d tried to think why, what had set him off, all he could think of was how
    pissed he’d been, but no reason for it.
    His pants were off by the time he was in the dark woods. The thought of letting his tiger take
    him made him feel better already. As he moved deeper into the wooded area, he pushed aside all
    thoughts of his work life, the woman, and everything else that didn’t have to do with where he
    was and what he was doing right now. Leaping forward, he shifted into his cat even before he hit
    the ground running.
    He had no idea how long he’d been out there before he got back to his truck. The tree was
    out of the back end, as were the flats of flowers. When he picked up his phone, he saw that he
    had ten messages and figured if it was his family, they knew how to reach him. Pulling on his
    shirt and tie, he made his way to the house with the flowers he’d gotten for his mom. The butler
    told him that neither of his parents was home.
    “Did they say where they were going?” He told him that they hadn’t. “I wanted to talk to
    Mom. I don’t suppose she said when they’d be home.”
    “No, sir. They did not. Mr. Harrison left at his usual time, but the missus left not long ago.
    She had the gardener take the things from your truck. Mrs. Harrison is not in the habit of leaving
    like she did, so I do hope there is nothing wrong.”
    Riordan did as well. Making his way to work after handing the flowers over, he reached out
    to his parents. His dad said that he was too busy to chat right now, and his mother told him she
    wasn’t speaking to him. Riordan went to his office with a heavy heart. He didn’t like his parents
    being upset with him. But his day was full, and he thought about going over there after work if
    he was able to get off early. He didn’t anticipate that happening after having the morning off, but
    he was going to try. Even Christina wasn’t at her desk when he arrived. This was going to be a
    shitty day all around.

Chapter 3
    The room was dark when she woke up, but Storm had a feeling that she wasn’t alone. One
    of her aunts had to be with her, as they usually were when she had a bad time of it. Moving
    slowly so as not to wake them should they be resting, a moan escaped before she could stop it.
    The light flaring made her cry out; it had startled her into a small jump.
    “I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t think.” Storm tried to see who it was that was speaking, as the
    voice didn’t sound familiar. “I’m Briana Harrison, but most people call me Bri. I haven’t the
    slightest idea why they do that, but Ordan does and that’s all
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