
Riordan Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Riordan Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance
right with me. Why is that name all
    that much shorter than…? I’m sorry. Can I get you anything?”
    “My aunts, where are they?” It even hurt to talk, so she cleared her throat a little and tried to
    sit up. “Where are they?”
    “Your Aunt Lynn has gone to the store. She said that you were out of everything. I’ve
    looked. She’s right. You can’t live on just cereal. It’s not good for you and—” Storm cleared her
    throat again. “Right. Where are they? Aunt Sally is counting out the drawer. She’s been doing it
    for over two hours. I don’t think she is good with money. I sent my husband to help her out. The
    credit card machine is giving her fits, she said.”
    “She forgets to send the money to the account nightly. I’m sure that’s all it is.” Storm was
    feeling slightly better and sat up a little more. “I don’t know you, do I?”
    “No. My husband is the man you…well, he helped you out the other day when he brought
    you up here.”
    Storm had no idea what she was talking about, then realized what she’d said. “Other day?
    How long have I been here?” Bri told her. “Three days? I’ve been unconscious for three days?
    What the fuck is she thinking?”
    “I’m thinking she thought you needed it or you wouldn’t have slept all this time. And don’t
    you dare get out of that bed.” Something about her tone had Storm pause in tossing the blanket
    off her. “Now. We’re going to sit here and have a lovely conversation, you and me. I should
    explain to you who I am. I’m the idiot’s mother. And while I don’t normally think of Riordan as
    an idiot, I believe this time he was out of line.”
    “I know a lot of idiots, ma’am; perhaps you can narrow it down.” The smile made her think
    of the man who had been in the day before…well, a few days ago. “You’re Mac’s mother. And
    the wife of the man…Mr. Harrison. I hurt him and he…my aunts spiked my ass and I fell into
    “Yes. That’s right. He feels horrible for what he did to you. I’ve never met you before this,
    but I bet you don’t go around pointing guns at men all the time. He startled you, that’s all it
    “Mrs. Harrison, I’m armed all the time.” Storm pushed her hand up under the pillow she was
    on and pulled out a gun, then laid it on her lap. “In this room alone, there are four of them. Two
    in the kitchen area and one in my bathroom. In my cooking area, there are at least six, one under
    the counter in the front, and two in the dining area. It’s not much of a dining area right now, but
    it will be if this business keeps up.”
    “Is it because you’re afraid, or is it because of what happened to you when you were in the
    service?” Storm told her both. “I see. And when you pulled the gun on Ordan, did you have
    intentions of killing him or…or just frightening him?”
    “I don’t know.” When Bri nodded and stood up, Storm stretched out her legs. She was going
    to have to get up soon or she’d stiffen up to the point where she’d need help getting out of the
    bed. Right now it was iffy if she was going to be able to stand after being down for three days.
    “I’m going to have to move soon. I don’t want to be rude, but I have to get up and into the
    “Can I help you?” Storm told her to not touch her. “You’re very rude. I’m thinking you and
    Riordan will suit better than I thought. Would it hurt you to say please or thank you once in a
    while?” Her smile made Storm think that while she was more than likely serious in her request,
    she wasn’t really upset about it.
    “Who is Riordan? Oh, the idiot. I don’t want him to touch me either. I hurt in too many
    places for touching to be possible.” Storm sat on the edge of her bed and counted to ten while she
    let out a low breath. It was what she’d learned to do when the doctors at the hospital in country
    had told her she’d never walk again without assistance. The blanket was
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