Ridge Creek

Ridge Creek Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ridge Creek Read Online Free PDF
Author: C L Green
explosions and beatings, Tony gradually let slip
a few details explaining how he and his hacker girlfriend had set up a huge gun
and prostitute ordering system through my Fish and Chip website. 
    I was gutted.
    He had turned my baby into a filthy whore.
    And that’s how I ended fucking this all up.  Mortified that
my ‘ordering system to end all ordering systems’ was being abused, I waited for
Tony to leave the house one afternoon and got down to business.
    I shut down every single page of my website and deleted
every single file from all my servers. 
    Backups included.
    There was no way I was going to continue to let my baby be
abused by filthy pimps and gunrunners.
    I had barely finished my massive clean-up when the front
door slammed and Tony stormed in to see me sitting innocently at the kitchen
table.  I had just finished my system rollback and was closing my laptop.
    “What the fuck have you done?” He roared.  His face
red, every vein popping up purple and threatening to explode through his skin.
    Thinking it was a bright idea at the time, I calmly
explained it to him.  It wasn’t until I had finished my prizewinning little
speech that I realized the error of my ways. With deadly calm, Tony turned his
back on me and walked away.  I was stupid enough to believe that this was good
and the matter was done with.
    Returning less than a minute later, I found myself staring
smack bang into the barrel of a large, shiny silver pistol.
    “Put it all back,” were the only words I heard as he swung
the pistol and clocked me across the face.  That was the first injury that
closed my right eye over.
    Staring at him blankly, my senses reeling, I calmly advised
I couldn’t.  It was all gone.  Covering me in spit, he roared into my face at
full volume, “Do you realize what you have just fucking done?  You’ve killed us
    Dragging me from my chair, he threw me down on the kitchen
floor.  Clipping the table with my shoulder on the way past, my shoulder
dislocated.  Not happy with my shrieks of pain, he laid into me with his pointy
leather boots, breaking three ribs with his effort.
    It was then that I found myself grabbed by my hair and I was
dragged into our lounge room.  With complete savagery, Tony lost his mind and
started screaming at me about being a whore.  Dazed and confused with all the
pain, I didn’t understand what he was about to do when he ripped my pants down
to my knees, knelt on my stomach and jammed his gun inside me.
    Screaming in agony, he ignored my pleas to stop as he
pummeled me bloody with both the butt and the barrel of his gun.
    At some point during all of this I stopped screaming and I
stopped fighting.  I was praying for death.
    Finally calming down slightly, I watched as he slowly rose
off my smashed body and started pacing the room.  Slowly and without saying a
word, I pulled my pants back up.  There was blood everywhere.  I stared at the
blood with a blank mind.  I was past caring.
    After a couple of minutes of pacing, Tony finally stopped
and stared at me.  “They won’t kill me if I kill you first,” he announced
    Even this statement didn’t move me enough to care.  I simply
closed my eyes and waited patiently to die.  This was it.  A bullet would
finish me and it would all be over. 
    Thank God.
    The next thing I knew, Tony’s hand was wrapping itself in my
long hair and I was dragged by out the back door and into his car.  One armed,
smashed and brutalized, I did not resist.
    He drove like a madman to one of his Fish and Chip shops. 
At the shop he dragged me out of his car, told me he planned to shoot me in the
head and then drop me a mineshaft.  He then shoved me into the back of a
delivery van and we were off.
    We had been driving for what seemed like hours.  I
had spent the entire time imagining my final moments knelt in front of a
mineshaft as he held his bloody gun to my head and pulled the trigger.  It was
then that the
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