Ridge Creek

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Book: Ridge Creek Read Online Free PDF
Author: C L Green
sites all by myself, I quickly outgrew the controls
of my employers and branched out on my own.  With my own thriving small
business, life was even better.
    Which is where the beginning of the end of my life with Tony
may have started.
    At first Tony had been happy for my success.  He liked
seeing me happy and he liked the speed with which I saved up enough money to
buy our first home.  Moving on from there, I quickly found my business rapidly
expanding.  Expanding so fast that I soon had to employ a small army of
programmers to aid me with my work. 
    Life got better.
    Tony got worse.
    It started with small bouts of jealousy at the money I was
earning.  Not happy that I spent most of my funds on items for the both of us,
he started to insist that I slow down in my job and let him step up.  He
explained that he felt I was ‘unmanning’ him, bringing in all the cash.
    To achieve his ‘step up’, he started working high paid jobs
for a local crime boss.  The nature of Tony’s exact involvement in their
business I will never know.  I did however soon work out that it didn’t take
him long to move high up within their ranks.
    It was at this point he started the violence.  Little
blowups here and there that would end with a slap or a punch that left me in
tears but not too worse for wear.  He would usually storm out after these
episodes and not return until the next day.
    As his temper (and his income) increased, he convinced me to
close the doors on my business and stay at home as a kept woman.  Wishing to
avoid further violence, I agreed.
    Within a few short months I was nearly going out of my mind
with boredom.  Tony was however settled, although he often spent long periods
away from home.  It was these long absences that eventually led me to beg him
one night to let me go back to work.  To my shock he agreed. 
    On one condition.
    I build a website for him . 
    It seemed simple enough.  He just wanted me to pull together
an online ordering system for several Fish and Chip shops that he had
‘interests’ in across the suburbs. 
    With great gusto, I happily got to work and designed ‘the
online ordering system’ to end all online ordering systems for Fish and Chips
in the country.
    I was happy, Tony was happy. 
    We were happy.
    Until the day I noticed something odd about the data showing
in reports on the ordering system.  A whole new series of voucher codes were
starting to show in the databases that I did not design, nor enter as values
myself.  Being the sole administrator for the system, alarm bells went off. 
Someone else was accessing my database.
    Approaching Tony about the inconsistencies, I was met with
outright fury that I would question any of the codes on the site and told to
‘just fucking ignore them’.
    I wish I had.
    Unable to sit idly by while this weird anomaly appeared to
be escalating on my own website, I tracked code and soon discovered there was a
hacker on my site.  Tracking the hacker back by using another hacker friend I
met during my time at University, I was horrified to discover my hacker was a
    Similar in age to me, and even worse, similar in looks. 
    But that was not the worst of it.
    The worst of it came to a head one night while Tony was out
‘on business’.    This particular night my hacker friend and I decided to
‘stake out’ my website hacker’s house.  We had planned to do this in hope that
we could hack into her private home network and do some damage of our own. 
    It was to my absolute horror that I discovered on arrival
that her network may have been secure, but her window furnishings were not. 
    As clear as day, I had the pleasure of watching my boyfriend
Tony giving it to her doggie style on her couch, in her front living room. 
    I was shattered.
    Driving me home, my friend had tried to insist I just let it
go and leave him.
    Again, I wish I had.
    Confronting Tony about his affair with my hacker led me to
darker days.  Through various
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