Reviving Bloom

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Book: Reviving Bloom Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Turner
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
to the door to let Billy inside. Pike follow s me, or should I say le a d s the way. He must have been trained as a guard dog because he growl s at Billy until I reassure him he ’ s safe.
    Stepping inside Billy ask s , “When did you get a dog? Or should I say horse, that beast is huge.”
    “Found him caught in one of Dad ’s old coon traps last night. He is pretty large isn’t he? No need to worry though he’s like a big cuddly teddy bear.”
    “By th e way he was just growling at me I wouldn’t say he’s too cuddly. But I do think it’s a good idea for you to have a dog. He’ll keep you company and seems like a good guard too.”
    “ I’ve lived here all my life and no-one has messed with this place. Plus, I never said I’m keeping him. Like I told Bonnie he probably has a family looking for him. I should probably hang up some flyers or post his picture on my Facebook. Maybe someone will recognize him.”
    “Just because no-one has doesn’t mean they won’t. If the wrong person realizes it’s just you out here they might try something. Don’t let your guard down doll. But I think you should keep the dog.” He watche s Pike who i s pressed against my leg with his gaze locked on Billy . “ H e’s taken to you quick.”
    “I won’t let my guard down and you know I have Dad ’ s old hand gun if some fool does try something , ” I remind him.
    “Good to hear. Just make sure you remember to take the safety off. It does n’t shoot when it’s on , ” h e says with a grin. Billy kn o w s I ’m a g reat shot, he and Dad taught me to shoot when I was a kid, but that d oes n’t change the fact that he like s to tease me.
    “Oh give me a break old man . I’m a better shot than you.” I push his shoulder teasingly .
    “Well you did learn from the best. This old man is hungry. Do you have any breakfast left?” he asks rubbing his shoulder, as if I could really hurt him.
    Heading towards the kitchen I call, “come on I’ll find you something to eat.”
    I whip him up some scrambled eggs and toast and then s i t at the table with him drinking my apple juice. Pike i s once again curled up beside my feet and I ’m rubbing my toes through the fur on his side. Billy ’s not normally a quiet man but when you put food in front of him you g e t quiet time. Though it d oes n’ t take him long to finish because the man d oesn ’t eat he inhale s his food . Sitting his fork down and wiping his mouth he ask s , “So are you ready for me to start doll?”
    “ Are you ready?” I ask back. 
    “You know what I’m talking about Blo om Mich ael.” You can always tell an adult is being serious when the y use you r first and middle name .
    “I’m ready Billy, but if you don’t mind I won’t be helping. I’m not sure I can go through his stuff yet.” I admit , not meeting his eyes because apparently watching the condensation on my glass is more important.
    He places his hand under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. “ I know doll , that’s why I’m here .” He s tands up from the table, c o me s around Pike and g i ve s me a one armed hug. “I’m going to get started. Holler if you need me to save you from that bear of a dog.”
    “Not needed Billy. He’s a teddy bear.” I prove it by getting on the floor with Pike and cuddling him close to my chest.
    “Yeah yeah a 300 lb teddy bear that c an rip out a man’s throat. Real cuddly,” I hear him mumble as he walk s out of the kitchen.
    After cleaning up the mess from breakfast I decide to straighten up the living room as well. I ’m elbow deep in the dust bunnies behind the couch when I fe el Pike nudging my leg. Crawling out and wiping my hands on my jeans I ask him, “ What’s wrong?”
    He turn s and point s his head towards the clock hanging on the wall. I ha ve less than thirty minutes to get ready and drive to town to meet Bonnie. How a dog can know
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