Reviving Bloom

Reviving Bloom Read Online Free PDF

Book: Reviving Bloom Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Turner
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
at him. “Ok ay now let’s get some food. I’m starving.” He follow s my lead and leap s out too, then follow s me into the kitchen.
    I’ve never had a dog before so there isn’t any dog food in the house, and I’m not sure what dogs can and cannot eat. So looking in the fridge I dial my friend Bonnie. Her Dad ’s a vet and she has a dog so she’ ll know. I hear the line pick up and then her cheerful voice, “Hey Beautiful! I haven’t heard from you in awhile. ”
    Her warmth always ma k e s me smile. She’s been my best friend since the third g rade when she skipped (yes she skipped then and occasionally still does) over and asked me to play M y L ittle P onies with her. It’s been Bonnie & Bloom ever since. I like to say she brings the sun when it’s been cloudy. That’s why I’ve been avoiding her . I ’m not ready for the sun. “Hey Bon!”
    “ Hey, I’ve missed you girl.” I can hear the relief in her voice that hearing from me brings.
    “I’ve missed you too, Bon. I ’ve called because I’ve got a question for ya.”
    “Hit me with it.”
    “What do dogs eat other than dog food?”
    “You got a dog?”
    “No … well kind of temporarily. He got caught in one of Dad ’ s old coon traps last night and I brought him in to clean his wounds and I let him stay with me. I thought I’d bring him in to your Dad ’s office today so he can check out his paw.”
    “That was sweet of ya. I’m sure Dad w ill be glad to check him over. So are you keeping him? It might be good for you to have a p et with ya out there to keep ya company.”
    “ I’m not sure. He probably has a family looking for him. So what can I feed Pike?”
    “Pike? Did you name him or did he have a dog tag?”
    “No tags. I just didn’t want to call him dog or boy and Pike seem s to fit. He responds to it so he must like the name. So what kind of food is ok ay ?” Bonnie is sweet but her thoughts wander a bit , h ence hav ing to ask the same question three times before getting an answer.
    “If you have some leftover chicken he’ ll probably eat that. They also like apples and peanut butter. But if you’re coming to Dad ’s office you should pick up a bag of dog food. You don’t want him getting use to table scraps.”
    Grabbing a bowl of leftover chicken from the fridge I t ell her , “ I’ll do that. Thanks Bon.”
    “Anytime Blu . Do you want to meet up at Dad s and have lunch while he’s checking out your dog?” I can tell she’s nervous I’ll turn her down. I’ve been doing that to everyone lately, but today feels like the perfect day to see my best friend.
    “That sounds great. What time do you want to meet ?”
    “How does noon sound? I’ll stop and pick-up a couple burgers. ” Bonnie’s so happy, all because I’ve agreed to see her. She’ll probably have a joker sized smile plastered to her face all day. I can even see her jumping up and down, doing her victory dance.
    “Sounds perfect to me. Don’t forget the fries and grab a burger for Pike too, please. ” I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at the image of Bonnie doing her victory dance.
    “I can do that.”
    “I’m sorry I’ve been M.I.A.” I hate bringing down the good mood we’ve had going on, but I owe my friend an apology.
    “ Blu , you have nothing to be sorry about. I knew you’d call when you were ready. Love ya chickadee.” I can hear the tremble in her voice.
    “Love you too.” I end the call before we both end up bawling .
    “How does chicken sound?” I ask turning my attention back to Pike.
    I warm up his left over chicken and then ma k e myself some scrambled eggs and toast. Pike devour s his leftovers before the toast pop s up, so I g i ve him a slice of it as well. I ’m nibbling on mine when I hear the knock on the door. I have to calm Pike who become s very alert and then I head
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