Resisting the Billionaire Collection
Drummond was putting
her off balance, it was a real pleasure to see Mitch squirm.
Normally he was always so cocksure, but next to Alex Drummond, he
was very far from being the alpha male in the room. He nervously
brushed his sandy brown hair out of his eyes.
    "Melanie is really an excellent employee."
He said with an awkward formality that brought a quite smile to her
    Eat it two-timer. She thought.
    "Is she coming on the flight with us?"
    What? So this is why they had pulled her
from the Los Angeles to Columbus, Ohio route: to be a personal
flight attendant to Mr. Alex Drummond Jr.
    "Apparently so." Mitch said. He seemed so
unsure of himself in his boss’s presence that Melanie hardly
recognized him. "I just got the news myself about fifteen minutes
    "Well, I for one couldn't be more pleased."
The tall billionaire smiled charmingly. "Aren't I glad I was nice
to you now? Imagine if I'd been rude and then it turned out I am in
your hands for the next nine hours en route to Tahiti."
    Melanie couldn't hide her smile now. She had
a lot of flight time behind her and had been all over the world in
the last six years, but rarely had her itineraries taken her to the
exotic islands of the South Pacific. She had always dreamed of
visiting Tahiti ever since she had seen Gauguin's famous pictures
in one of her mother's big color art books as a little girl.
    "Have you been to Tahiti before?" He asked
as though he were talking about a neighborhood diner down the
    "No, I haven't." Melanie tried to sound calm
but inwardly she was exulting in the opportunity. "I've always
wanted to go though."
    "You're going to love it." He said. "I go
there all time to just get away and leave the world behind." It
somehow didn't sound like bragging when he said it. Obviously for
someone as rich as him, it was perfectly normal to fly regularly to
somewhere as outrageously expensive and exotic as Tahiti.
    Alex turned to the groveling Mitch
    "Is her schedule clear for the next ten
days?" He asked.
    Her heart sank. She needed to work all the
routes and she could to have a hope of making that payment to her
mother's nursing home. Then she had counted on working part-time
shifts on her days off at a diner near to where she lived to make
up as much of the shortfall as she could. But now she would be
stuck. To make matters even worse her roommate had moved out
leaving her high and dry with the rent this month and she didn't
even have money to cover this month's rent as it was.
    "I'm sorry sir--"
    "No more 'sir', Melanie. Please just call me
    "Thank you sir -- I mean Alex. But I have
regular flights all week--"
    "Canceled. Reassigned." Mitch said.
    This was a disaster. Her mother was in real
danger of being evicted.
    "Is there a problem?" Alex asked. He sounded
so kind. Melanie just couldn't put the two pictures together. The
charmer on the Columbus flight followed by the manipulative
billionaire. Then the crass asshole at the check-in counter this
morning followed by the magnetically charming hunk from her dreams
who stood before her now.
    "I'd love to go." She stammered, "It's just
    Mitch glared at her, willing her to shut up.
He knew that no one ever said no to Alex Drummond, Jr.
    "There's no problem Mr. Drummond," he said.
"Her schedule will be absolutely cleared; I'll see to it
    Screw you. A flash of defiance ran through
her. Mitch was trying to run her life again, even after she had
broken up with him. You're not in charge here. Although a little
overwhelmed and star struck in the presence of the tall handsome
billionaire, she was still a woman and sure he liked her. He had
offered to pay her mother's medical bills for God's sake. She
decided to lay it on thick to get a little revenge on Mitch. God
knows he deserved it. She dropped her head demurely and then looked
up at Alex with coy little girl eyes.
    "Mr. Drummond," she said, and then flashed
him a shy smile. She saw his pleased response, which he tried
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