Resisting the Billionaire Collection
bag please?" She said.
    "Are you always this friendly?" He said
    Something about him was throwing her off
balance. She felt like she was in high school again being noticed
by the team quarterback for the first time.
    Come on Melanie, get a hold of yourself.
You're a grown woman for God's sake.
    "Look," he said, "I'm going that way myself,
so why don't I hold onto this until we get there?"
    "You're going that way, too? To Mitch's
    "Is Mitch your boss?"
    "He is, if that's any concern of yours."
    "Well I don't know if that's anything I
should be concerned about. Come on, let's go." He offered her his
    "I guess you wouldn’t take no for answer."
She said.
    "You make that sound like a bad thing." He
joked as he gently took her arm and directed her towards her boss’s
    "You seem to know exactly where you're
going." She said. "Do you work for Drummond Airlines? Am I in some
kind of trouble about our conversation the other day?"
    "Don't worry Melanie; you're in no trouble
at all."
    She felt a sense of impending doom in the
pit of her stomach.
    When they reached the office, Mitch was
there. He had a responsible job and the airline industry was always
stressful. Although he was in management with things, the way they
were now, this didn't turn into much, financially speaking. As
Melanie looked at him, stressed out and tired, for the first time
she thought that it was entirely possible even he was struggling to
get by despite all the crap he had to put up with on a daily
    She didn't pity him though. He was a sneaky
two-timer, so he deserved any hassle he got until he learned his
lesson. He was damn lucky she had only smashed his laptop and
mobile phone with that baseball bat and not anything more attached
to him physically.
    "Hey Mitch, how's it going today?" Alex
announced loudly as he entered the office.
    "You guys know each other?" Mitch looked as
though he had been caught in the act of doing something
    "Mr. Drummond, sir, I had no idea you'd be
dropping by. I'm... uh... sorry."
    Mr. Drummond Sir? Who is this guy?
    "Don't be sorry Mitch and forget that Mr.
Drummond stuff. Relax, you can call me Alex."
    Alex Drummond? Of the Drummond family that
owned the airline? She had seen old Mr. Drummond once or maybe
twice in the six years she had worked herself into exhaustion with
the crazy shifts and low pay of his airline. This guy must
    "Alex Drummond, Jr." He held out his strong,
capable hand, circled by a gleaming white linen shirt cuff. His
cufflinks glinted with what Melanie presumed was some kind of
precious or semi-precious stone. She reached out to take his hand
and almost curtsied by accident.
    Damn. She berated herself.
    "I thought your name was Murray?" She
    "Melanie!" Mitch cut in. "Just ignore her,
    "It's okay. She's right Mitch. I sometimes
travel under that name. It's my mother's maiden name."
    "Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry Alex."
    The billionaire stood there with a smile
that Melanie found smug, aloof, arrogant, and annoyingly playful
smile. She couldn’t figure out if she hated it, or kind of loved
    She couldn't believe that she was standing
next to a billionaire, couldn't figure out if she loved or hated
that one either.
    She knew that the Drummond family's wealth
was measured in the tens of billions and that Drummond Airlines was
just one tiny little part of their vast empire. It was rumored that
the company was just a pet project for old Mr. Drummond who had
started out with the carrier in the 1930s as a mailroom clerk and
had then eventually become CEO, owner, international business
tycoon, and Forbes List billionaire he was today.
    Melanie's head was spinning.
    She took a deep breath to steady
    "How do you do?" She said.
    Alex Drummond Jr. let out a belly laugh that
almost knocked her down.
    "Where did you get this one, Mitch?" He
    Mitch looked very uncomfortable for a change
and even though Mr. Hot Young Billionaire Alex
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