Resisting Nick (Wicked in Wellington)

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Book: Resisting Nick (Wicked in Wellington) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kris Pearson
    “Are you serious? ”
    “I wasn’t, but if you’re offering?”
    Sammie fumed while he lounged back, challenging her with that damn grin.
    “It’s too far away. I’d never get there and back in time.”
    He tossed her the car keys.
    “Try. Let’s do a snow-job on them.”
    This brought another bray of laughter from Rich.
    “And we’ll be wearing ties,” Nick insisted.
    “Don’t have one with me,” Rich said.
    “Good thing I’ve got several here then.”
    Sammie caught Rich’s astounded expression and smirked. “You’ll have to get someone else to look after reception for a while. Don’t ask Tyler—she’s done too much work today already. Maybe Heidi or Megan are free?” And she left in a hurry.

    God, I must be crazy!
    There was an element of fun to it though. She didn’t have ‘a little black suit’ but she certainly had other clothes that would look the part.  
    Maybe Anita had a suit? Or several?
    On impulse, she pulled out her phone while the traffic lights stayed stubbornly red.
    Yes, Anita was home, still coughing with the cold she’d caught sometime in the last few days. Yes, she had suits. Yes, she’d have a look right away and expect Sammie in ten minutes.
    From the expression on her carefully made-up face, she hadn’t expected the snarling black Italian boy-toy though. Her eyebrows shot halfway to her hairline as Sammie barreled up the driveway, and she dropped the secateurs she’d been dead-heading the late roses with.
    “Darling—how...impressive,” she said, pulling her woolen scarf more tightly around her throat.
    “Need to be quick,” Sammie responded, sprinting in through the open front door.  
    To her credit, Anita had already laid two suits on the bed. Plus sheer black pantyhose, a demure white blouse, a silky black camisole, and a pair of killer Manolos.
    “Not these,” Sammie said with regret, glancing at the size and handing back the divine shoes. “They’ll be too big.”  
    “They’re too tight on me, so you never know?”
    She unlaced her Nikes and peeled off her socks and jeans.
    “Nasty sock-marks around your ankles,” Anita commented.
    “With any luck they’ll disappear by the time I get back.” she replied, rubbing at them energetically. “I don’t know why I’m even doing this—I must be mad.”
    “You’ve brightened up my day, that’s for sure,” her sister-in-law said. She pointed to the suits. “That one’s a size smaller.”
    “I’ll try it first then.” Sammie stepped into the skirt and zipped it up. It fitted beautifully. “How long since you wore this?” She gave the waistband a suspicious tug.
    Anita had already been pink in the face, but Sammie suspected that was a blush appearing.
    “It’s Donna Karan. It was a little snug when I bought it last year in New York darling, but how could I resist?”
    “Have you ever worn it?”
    The averted eyes told the story.
    “Let’s give it an outing then.”  
    She checked her reflection in the mirror. Shorter would have been better, but still, not bad.
    “You could turn the waist over,” Anita suggested, obviously thinking the same thing. “Just keep the jacket done up.”
    Sammie rolled the waist over, pulled off her polo shirt, and slid into the camisole. “Or hide it with this.” She smoothed it down, slipped the jacket on, and shot her reflection an approving glance. “Too good for a P.A.”  
    “Not in a top corporate environment.” Obviously Anita knew all about those from Ray. “Would pearls be too much?”
    “Yes, but let’s try them and be sure.”
    She wriggled into the pantyhose while Anita found her pearls. Then she slid into the shoes.
    They were wonderful. Black glace kid with heels higher than she’d ever worn, and only a little too big.
    “I’ve got some of those gel inserts somewhere,” Anita said, digging around in a drawer. She handed them over, and Sammie tried again. Brilliant.
    “Well,” she said, studying the total picture.
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