Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans

Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Read Online Free PDF

Book: Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gerry Bartlett
Tags: Glory St. Clair#8
Ian and I were in the room where I priced items and stored extra stock. It also held a bathroomand a refrigerator for my synthetic blood. I offered Ian a drink but he shook his head.
    “I’ve developed a new synthetic you should try. I’ll send you a case. Tastes like tea with milk and sugar. Like I drank when I was a lad, before I was turned. Does that sound good to you?” Ian grinned, some of his Scottish roots showing in his voice.
    “Are you kidding? I used to love my tea that way when I was alive.” I frowned. “But keep it. Your inventions tend to give me bad aftershocks. That’s why you were analyzing my blood. Any luck with that?” I’d had a horrible reaction to one of Ian’s better efforts, a drug that allowed vampires to eat solid food. It had worked great on Penny. Me? I’d had horrible pain after the meal and still had a slightly swollen tummy as a souvenir. Death sleep should have gotten rid of it but for some reason it lingered. Too bad the food hadn’t even been that great.
    I’d let Ian take a blood sample after that to see what was up with me. This hadn’t been the first drug of his that had given me bad side effects. The scientist in Ian had been eager to explore the reasons why I was the only vampire to react the way I did.
    “Your blood sample is why I came over. The DNA thing is secondary.” Ian settled into a chair while I sat on the large table I used when I worked on merchandise.
    I’d worn a short black skirt and bright blue blouse that matched my eyes. I hadn’t tucked in the blouse of course. I never tuck, especially not after the tummy thing, but I still felt like I was doing a pretty good job with the figure I had. Ian seemed to appreciate the view of my legs in high heels and the fact that the blouse had a deep vee neckline. His eyes gleamed as he looked me over. I didn’t mind a little admiration from a hot guy.
    “So tell me, Ian. What did you find out? Was there something in my blood that explains why my reactions to your drugs are always so weird?” I unscrewed the top of my bottle of synthetic and took a swallow.
    “Yes, there was. You were never human.”
    I spewed. Yep. Blood went everywhere, hitting Ian right in his handsome face to drip on his black knit shirt. I coughed and choked and set the bottle down beside me. I have to admit, Ian took it well. He jumped up and found a roll of paper towels in the bathroom, wiping his face and hair then handing me several to clear up the damage to myself.
    I blotted my face where tears rolled down my cheeks. Swell, mascara leaks. I jumped off the table and walked into the bathroom. I hadn’t heard right. Or this was Ian’s idea of a sick joke. He and Jerry were ancient enemies. This was a MacDonald’s way of getting even with a Campbell. Ian knew Jerry and I were tight. I finished repairing my makeup then stormed out to face the doctor.
    “Okay, Dr. Death, now tell me the truth. What was in my blood? And don’t give that bull about not being human. I know when I’m being jerked around.” I put my hands on my hips.
    Ian stood and faced me. He was a good foot taller than my five foot five but I had on heels. Still, it was a long way up to give him a hard look. I managed.
    “I’m not kidding, Glory. I wish I was. I ran every test I knew of. Compared your sample to literally hundreds of others from different vampires and humans. I’ve had your blood for months now, you know.” Ian put his hands on my shoulders. He tried to look sympathetic but was more intrigued than anything else. I didn’t like that. It made me think he was telling the truth.
    “Yes, it’s been months. I figured I was low on your priority list. Penny told me you have lots of experiments going. And then there was your move from California in the middle of that. I didn’t expect…” I stepped back from him. His gaze was too intense. He was reading my mind so I threw up a block. Of course any probe of
mind hit a blank wall, solid as
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