but for the most part they were just like us. The Drok were also one
of the first alien civilizations (aside from the Skrav) that we encountered in
deep space. Primitive warriors when we first met them we spent two years
learning one anthers language developing communication and networking
with them. In less time then you would imagine we became allies. Imagine in
the conquerers that came from Europe had become best friends with the
That bond cost the Drok dearly. Like the times before the Skrav caught
up to us and we fled taking several hundred Drok with us. We have no idea if
there world was destroyed or not but from what we have heard from others is
that that area of space has been swept clean of biological life. Hayden was
born on Errikus like myself. One of the few Drok children that joined us on
our crusade through the stars.
Education on Errikus started at age three. Though most everything
before handing my mother my drawing feels like a blur. Even many of the
events that came after feel blurry. I do remember the lessens I had been
taught. The history of Earth. The ancient empires that ruled, the different
periods that we went through (Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance,
Victorian, Industrial, the rise and fall of superpowers and nations, the world
wars, the resource wars, the rise of the space age, the destruction of our sun
which became known as ‘the collapse’, the lost colonies, planets of the dead,
etc). By seven we had become experts in all of these subjects and began
training in combat simulations, virtual reality simulations, kendo, and
mathematics. We were taught how once the human race had been made up of
different skin colors, eye colors, and hair. We were taught how living in space
had changed us how with the help of genetic engineering we had adapted to
live in starships. Our stomachs were smaller, we required less food, our lungs
could hold more oxygen, our muscles stronger from artificial gravity (the
constant turning of our ships and the gravity of worlds in which we
temporarily inhabit), and we were more resilient to toxins and disease thanks
to implants given to us at birth. We were still human only still… we were
something more.
The journey to Eden was all anyone ever talked about, “Eden this, Eden
that”. Once it was a myth. Humanity drifted in space so long the Erebus and
Tritan disabled from a battle with the Skrav. It was a ‘user’ on the Aelita that
had a vision of our paradise and helped inspire everyone to continue on our
way. Whatever this ‘Eden’ was no one actually knew for certain, that
information was a private and could only be accessed by elders. You would
think that someone would have kept such important details where everyone
could see but all we knew was what had been taught to us in school. It was a
destiny I like everyone around me had been born for. Maybe it was more like
a ‘sin’. Sin that was hardcoded into our DNA. The journey to ‘Eden’ was a
burden, the ‘sins’ of the father passed down generation after generation.
Priests and scientists debated and elders and captains meditated for hours
arguing over what this journey meant, whether there was any point to it at all.
What are we without purpose? In the end the opinion of one man could do
very little to sway anyone. We had already been on the run for so long it
didn’t matter. If there was any reason for this other then habit it had been
lost. Many speculated ‘Eden’ had been the source of the nexus. They believed
this ‘Eden’ was leftover from the creation of our galaxy - a divine passageway
to the heart of God. Others said it was a doorway to another world. They
believed the nexus was a small veil covering the face of god, a keyhole. They
taught us all this and more by the time we were nine. It was all theory.
Nobody knew why touching the nexus showed us visions - realities that
mirrored the past, present, and future. Nobody knew if