Protecting His Wolfe

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Book: Protecting His Wolfe Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melissa Keir
trouble came.
    The drive into work on Tuesday was
dreary with the incessant showers. The weather was mild for late October. Puddles
filled the street and the miserable rain made everyone grouchy. With a quick
wave bye as Marcus dropped Betsie off at the main office door to Anderson
Trucking, she shrugged out of her raincoat holding it in two fingers. “Hello
Miss Hildebrand. The weather’s quite yucky today.”
    “Yes, it’s bleak outside. I see that
you have a new boyfriend. What does that nice young man do for a living?”
    Hating to have to lie to her boss,
she answered, “He’s a former baseball player. He isn’t playing anymore and so
he’s been driving me to work.”
    “Well, I hope he can find a job. Mr.
Anderson always talks about how important a college degree is. I hope your
young man was smart enough to get one. By the way, an envelope came for you. I
left it on your desk.”
    “Thank you, Miss Hildebrand. I’d better
get started with my day. Being punctual is important to me.” Seeing Miss
Hildebrand’s nod, Betsie headed down to the secretarial offices.
    At her desk, Betsie hung the dripping
raincoat on the hanger at the front of the area. Smiling at the rest of the
girls who already were at work typing on their computer keyboards, entering
shipping manifests and printing off invoices, Betsie quickly turned on her
    Noticing the large envelope on her
desk, Betsie furrowed her brow, curious about who would have sent something to
her at work. Opening the envelope, photos of Betsie at work, around town, and
even from the Pigg house, fell out onto her desk. Grabbing one, Betsie noticed
that the photos had threats written on them. Shaking with fear, she wondered, Who could have sent these? How did he get my
picture? Has someone been watching me for the last two weeks?
    Putting them back into the envelope,
she looked for a return address or something that would indicate who the photos
came from, but there wasn’t even a stamp or shipping label on it. Her name on
the front was written in black marker. Hiding the envelope in her desk, Betsie
walked back up front to Miss Hildebrand’s desk.
    “Miss Hildebrand, did you see who
sent the envelope?” She asked with a cautious voice.
    “No, I didn’t. It was sitting on my
desk this morning so I put it on your desk.   Why? Wasn’t there a note inside?”
    “No, no name.   I just wanted to thank them for such a
thoughtful gift.”
    “Maybe that it was your boyfriend,
trying to surprise you.”
    “You could be right. I’ll ask him
later.   Thank you for your help.   I’d better get back to my desk.”
    Betsie’s heart was beating very
quickly as she walked back to her desk. Feeling unsafe, she wanted to call
Jonah but knew that if she did that, she would have to share about what she
overheard. Maybe it’s time to do that, she
thought sadly . First, the attempt on her
life and now the photos, it was obvious that someone had seen her that night in
the office and was out to kill her.
    Putting the photos out of her mind,
she started on the invoices on her desk and vowed that tonight she would talk
with Jonah and finally tell him the truth.
    Tuesday was the longest day in her
life, knowing that someone out there was watching her and wanting to hurt her.
Putting on her fake smile and keeping her head focused on her work was a
challenge. She wanted nothing more than to run to the safety of Jonah’s arms.
    As the clock struck five, she
gathered her things and headed out to Marcus’ car. Because of her somber mood,
Marcus could tell that something was bothering her. Trying to lighten the mood,
he told her about the time that Jonah was learning to dance so that he could
impress the most popular girl in high school. He’d taken lessons from Arthur
Murray Dance Studio and was partnered up with a seventy-five year old woman who
couldn’t help but step on his feet. Even that silly story couldn’t bring Betsie
out of her funk. The rest of the
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