everywhere. For instance, the software "in" my brain also exists
outside my brain in such forms as, say, a book I read twenty
years ago, which was an English translation of various signals
transmitted by Plato 2400 years ago. Other parts of my software
are made up of the software of Confucius, James Joyce, my
second-grade teacher, the Three Stooges, Beethoven, my mother
and father, Richard Nixon, my various dogs and cats, Dr. Carl
Sagan, and anybody and (to some extent) any-thing that has ever
impacted upon my brain. This may sound strange, but that's the
way software (or information) functions.
Of course, if consciousness consisted of nothing but this
undifferentiated tapioca of timeless, spaceless software, we
would have no individuality, no center, no Self.
We want to know, then, how out of this universal software
ocean a specific person emerges.
What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.
Because the human brain, like other animal brains, acts as an
electro-colloidal computer, not a solid-state computer, it follows
the same laws as other animal brains. That is, the programs get
into the brain, as electro-chemical bonds, in discrete quantum
Each set of programs consists of four basic parts:
1 . Genetic Imperatives. Totally hard-wired programs or
2. Imprints. These are more-or-less hard wired programs
which the brain is genetically designed to accept only at certain
points in its development. These points are known, in ethology,
as times of imprint vulnerability.
3. Conditioning. These are programs built onto the imprints.
They are looser and fairly easy to change with counter-conditioning.
4. Learning. This is even looser and "softer" than conditioning.
In general, the primordial imprint can always over-rule any
subsequent conditioning or learning. An imprint is a species of
software that has become built-in hardware, being impressed on
the tender neurons when they are peculiarly open and vulnerable.
Imprints (software frozen into hardware) are the non-negotiable
aspects of our individuality. Out of the infinity of possible
Prometheus Rising 39
programs existing as potential software, the imprint establishes
the limits, parameters, perimeters within which all subsequent
conditioning and learning occurs.
Before the first imprint, the consciousness of the infant is
"formless and void"—like the universe at the beginning of
Genesis, or the descriptions of unconditioned ("enlightened" i.e.,
exploded) consciousness in the mystic traditions. As soon as the
first imprint is made, structure emerges out of the creative void.
The growing mind, alas, becomes trapped within this structure. It
identifies with the structure; in a sense, it becomes the structure.
This entire process is analyzed in G. Spencer Brown's Laws
of Form; and Brown was writing about the foundations of mathematics
and logic. But every sensitive reader knows that Brown
is also talking about a process we have all passed through in
creating, out of an infinite ocean of signals, those particular
constructs we call "myself and "my world." Not surprisingly,
4O Prometheus Rising
many acid-heads have said that Brown's math is the best description
ever written of an LSD trip.
Each successive imprint complicates the software which
programs our experience and which we experience as "reality."
Conditioning and learning build further networks onto this
bedrock of imprinted software. The total structure of this braincircuitry
makes up our map of the world. It is what our Thinker
thinks, and our Prover mechanically fits all incoming signals to
the limitations of this map.
Following Dr. Timothy Leary (with a few modifications) we
shall divide this brain hardware into eight circuits for convenience.
("For convenience" means that this is the best map I