Preserving Hope

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Book: Preserving Hope Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alex Albrinck
    “Perhaps you have a point,” Arthur conceded. “Elizabeth, you may leave us.”
    As the girl turned to leave, Will spoke up. “I’d hoped we could share this bread together, before she leaves, sir. A full loaf of bread would be too much just for me, and as such I’d like to share it with the people who have made my meal possible.”
    Elizabeth paused, waiting for Arthur to speak. Arthur looked at her, then at Will, and reconsidered before responding. “She may have a piece of bread, but she must leave,” he decided. “We have matters to discuss, matters which do not concern her.”
    Will shrugged, tore a large chunk from the warm loaf of bread, and handed it to Elizabeth. “Thank you for your hospitality.” He made certain to look directly at her face.
    Elizabeth nodded once, refusing to look up from the ground and meet his eyes. “I am delighted to be of service,” she murmured. She walked out of the small home and shut the door behind her.
    Arthur turned to face Will, his eyes flashing. “Normally, I’d have you thrown out of this community for daring to question my authority over my own child as you have done, Will. However, it is clear that you speak for what you believe in, without regard to what it might mean for your own personal situation. That leads me to believe that you possess strong character, unlikely to bend to popular demands or personal threats, and as such you are a man able to keep secrets.” Arthur’s eyes softened. “I have a proposition for you, Will. You are a man in search of a new community. We are a community on the lookout for new men of character to participate in our mission, but our mission is one which cannot be shared outside these walls. It promises to be one full of personal growth and enrichment, beyond what you could possibly imagine. Would you be interested in living in that fashion?”
    Will, trying not to chuckle at the phrase “beyond what you could possibly imagine,” considered his words, more so than his actual answer. He’d come here for just this purpose, after all, sent twelve centuries into the past to integrate into this community and protect Elizabeth from whatever threatened her. “That sounds very intriguing, Mr. Lowell.”
    “Please, call me Arthur.”
    “And you can call me Will.”
    “You’ll want to use only given names in this village, Will. Family names weren’t used by the founding members of this village, and it is tradition that those who join give up the use of any family name they might possess. I have a family name because I married and had a child, but it is a name few utter.”
    Will nodded. “I understand. Arthur.” He noted the brief flicker of pain on Arthur’s face as he instructed Will at this point.
    Arthur smiled. “There is an oath of secrecy shared by those who live in this village. We may share of these secrets within these walls, but not outside. Do I have your word that you’ll not share these secrets, or our aims and goals, with anyone not invited to join our community?”
    Again, Will chose his words carefully. “No one will hear about it from me.” But I can nudge them telepathically, or write about it all I want. And I will. And what if I want to invite them and you don’t, Arthur? They’ve still been invited to join my community, haven’t they?
    Arthur considered Will, studying his face. This was a man who seemed innately tuned to human body language and facial expressions, a man who would likely make a sound living in the future playing cards or interrogating prisoners. Will remained serene and calm, sending gentle waves of Energy at Arthur, giving Arthur the sense that Will was one worthy of trust.
    After a moment, Arthur nodded. “Very well, then. You are hereby admitted to this community, and we will see to it that you receive lodging and become part of our operation in a manner that suits you best. What was your previous profession?”
    “I was a merchant, buying and selling goods.”
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