Point of Crisis

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Book: Point of Crisis Read Online Free PDF
Author: Steven Konkoly
rebuilding our image.”
    “And putting the brigade back on the right path,” Campbell added. “It wasn’t a PR stunt.”
    “Either way, Eli was one of the first to go, and he wasted no time putting together his own crew. We basically fed him recruits for a year.”
    Campbell poured Alex a cup of coffee.
    “We still do. Anyone we turn down, he welcomes with open arms, including felons. The Maine Liberty Militia ranks swelled with jailbirds after Eli’s youngest brother was released from the state.”
    “Fuck me. Another Russell to worry about?” said Alex, waving off a sugar packet.
    “Nope. Jimmy got served an epic portion of karma a few days ago. One of my scouting teams found him dead at the Milton Mills Bridge, along with most of his platoon. Ambushed, from what I could tell.”
    Alex froze, the hot coffee burning his tongue. After a long swallow, he cleared his throat. “I led the group that killed those men.”
    Cuskelly tensed, signaling a mood shift at the table. Alex detected it immediately, belatedly recognizing the implications of his statement.
    “Why would you be hunting down militia less than a day after the event?” asked Campbell.
    “It’s not like that. My son is a freshman— was a freshman—at Boston University. My neighbor’s daughter was at Boston College, and his jeep survived the EMP. We teamed up with a third neighbor to drive down and get the kids back. The turnpike was blocked by the military, so we traced the border until we arrived at Milton Mills. They refused to let us pass, so we shot our way through.”
    Campbell didn’t look convinced. “Then how did you end up as Captain Fletcher? Last time we spoke, you were out of the Marine Corps.”
    “I was, but circumstances in Boston led to my appointment as a provisional captain,” he said, pulling the badge out of his vest and handing it to Campbell.
    “Date of issue 21AUG2019. Captain (PROV). 1 st BTN, 25 TH ,” Campbell read. “The reserve battalion out of Devens?”
    “The same. Half of the battalion was at Devens for summer training when the EMP hit. They received orders to draw gear and head to Boston. The commanding officer was one of my platoon commanders in Iraq. Wounded by the same RPG that put me in a level-five treatment facility for three months. He offered me a provisional appointment because the battalion is short on militia group analysts. Ever hear of a group called the Liberty Boys?”
    “If I recall, they appeared at the outset of the Revolutionary War. Sort of a colonial intelligence network.”
    “Apparently, they never went away. Homeland had extensive files on the Liberty Boys, right down to existing members within the reserve battalion. They were detained immediately after the EMP. How long has Eli’s group operated?”
    “A few years. Maybe less,” said Campbell.
    “Homeland doesn’t have anything on his group. Eli is listed as former York County Militia.”
    “Eli flies below the radar. Everything’s word of mouth,” said Powers.
    “Do they have files on us?” Campbell asked.
    Alex nodded slowly.
    “Homeland’s been spying on us all along. Those lying sacks of shit,” uttered Campbell.
    “Probably have someone on the inside,” said Powers.
    “I don’t think so,” Alex said. “They’d have a file on Eli Russell’s crew if they had an inside man.”
    “Says Mr. Homeland,” stated Campbell. “It’s time to ask the million-dollar question. Why are you really here?”
    “I need your help. Lieutenant Colonel Sean Grady, commanding officer of 1 st Battalion, 25 th Marine Infantry Regiment, is coming to Maine, ahead of thousands of soldiers, airmen, relief workers, FEMA crews and Homeland bureaucrats. Here’s the deal, Grady’s problem with the Liberty Boys in Boston escalated out of control. Trust in the government is at an all-time low, compounded by the fact that nobody really knows what happened Monday morning.”
    “Or nobody is telling us,” said Randy.
    “Fair enough.
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