Point of Crisis

Point of Crisis Read Online Free PDF

Book: Point of Crisis Read Online Free PDF
Author: Steven Konkoly
Colonel Grady’s battalion is tasked to provide security for recovery operations in York County.”
    “Security for who?”
    “Primary focus will be on Recovery Zone assets, which include assigned personnel, infrastructure, essential equipment.”
    “Military units operating on U.S. soil? I don’t like it,” said Powers.
    “Nobody does, which is why I’m asking for your help. People trust the brigade, if you—”
    “I can’t in good conscience support a blatant violation of the Insurrection Act,” said Campbell.
    “Congress legally modified it with the 2015 Defense Authorization Bill,” said Alex.
    “I don’t care what those fucking idiots did. They jammed that down our throats when nobody was looking. Supporting a military security apparatus in York County won’t sit well with the people. Everybody knows where we stand on this,” said Campbell.
    “Which is why they will listen when you cautiously accept the invitation to integrate some of your members with my provisional security team.”
    “I think you need to catch up on some sleep, Mr. Fletcher. I can’t ask my people to accompany Homeland security patrols. Helping out local law enforcement and Maine guard units is slippery enough,” stated Campbell.
    “I completely understand what you’re saying, but you’re not seeing the big picture. I’ve been to Boston and back. Grade A clusterfuck across the board. Everybody is headed north—right now. Here’s our problem. The primary Recovery Zone plan holds most of these refugees south of the New Hampshire border.”
    “Sounds like a benefit,” said Powers.
    “Only if the primary RZ remains viable, from a security standpoint. The alternate plan eliminates the southern Security Area and establishes the Saco River as the new Security Area border, extending west to New Hampshire.”
    “What happens to southern Maine in the second scenario?” asked Cuskelly.
    “It becomes one big refugee camp.”
    “And Colonel Grady’s mission?” Campbell queried.
    “Moved north of the Saco River.”
    “The people?”
    Alex shook his head. “They get to contend with a million-plus refugees looking for food and shelter at the outset of a long New England winter. If the primary RZ is dismantled, I’m packing up and heading north with my golden ticket,” Alex said, holding up his badge. “Without one of these, you’ll be reclassified as a refugee. We have to make a partnership work.”
    He let the personal ramifications sink in before continuing.
    “Homeland is coming. Nothing can change that. As insane as this may sound, we need to do everything in our power to keep them here. If they pack up and head north, the only thing separating you and your families from millions of desperate New Englanders will be the rifle in your hands.”
    Campbell stared at him for an uncomfortable length of time. If he refused, the follow-up conversation promised to be twice as painful. Alex would have to secure Campbell’s promise that the brigade would remain neutral throughout the Recovery Zone, in both action and word. Then he’d have to sell the value of that promise to Lieutenant Colonel Grady, who ultimately decided the brigade’s fate. Based on Grady’s experience in Boston, Alex wasn’t optimistic about a friendly handshake solution.
    “What do you need from us?” Campbell asked.
    “Not much—for now. The first order of business is Milton Mills. My guess is the bridge is still open for business.”
    “It is, but the dead bodies have kept traffic to a minimum.”
    “Let’s reinstate the checkpoint at Milton Mills. Six on each bridge at all times. I’ll provide a tactical vehicle, four Marines, food, shelter and communications. You provide the rest. I’ll set the ROE, which will be strict. The security detail will withdraw if fired upon. Agreed?”
    “We’re stretched pretty thin. Dave Littner has most of the Berwick chapter stationed at the major law enforcement checkpoints south of Route 202.”
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