Playing His Dangerous Game

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Book: Playing His Dangerous Game Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tina Duncan
ignore how damned sexy she looked. ‘And what would those be?’
    Her chin lifted even higher. She uncrossed her legs and then recrossed them the other way. The action pulled the fabric of her Capri pants tight around her hips. Royce tried not to stare.
    ‘There’s this movie I saw once. It’s about a guy whose life is going nowhere until he signs up for a self-help programme based on one simple covenant, which is to say yes to anything and everything. It begins to transform his life.’
    ‘Well, that sounds very interesting, but what has that got to do with you co-operating with me?’
    Her eyes—they really were the most magnificent colour—seared into his. ‘I’ve spent a year of my life with a man who has told me what to do and what not to do every minute of every day. When I walked out I made a vow not to let that happen again. So if you want me to do something I suggest you try
me instead of
    ‘Fine. Please don’t answer the phone.’ He raised the other brow this time. ‘There. Is that better?’
    ‘Yes. Much better,’ she said. ‘The second thing you need to remember is that I’m not going to do anything unless I know
. If you don’t want me to answer the phone the least you can do is give me a reason.’
    Royce stared at her. He couldn’t argue with her approach. He was a logical, facts-and-figures kind of guy. If he were in her situation he’d react the same way.
    What he
object to was the hoity-toity princess tone of voice she was using. As if she was a queen instructing one of her minions.
    Normally her attitude would be water off a duck’s back. He’d accepted a long time ago that the rich liked to think they were better than everyone else.
    He’d never understood the mindset that the measure of a man lay in how much money he had in his bank account or how large his investment portfolio was.
    He hadn’t understood it when students at the exclusive boarding school he’d attended had made it clear that a scholarship didn’t mean that he belonged. All it meant was that some rich person had bequeathed upon him a privilege he wasn’t otherwise entitled to.
    He understood the attitude even less now that he was a grown man. A
man. For some reason he’d assumed that his achievements would earn him an automatic entrée into the exclusive club of the wealthy.
    Not so.
    It also seemed to matter where—or was it how?—you made your money. Inherited wealth made you part of the group; earning it yourself didn’t.
    In Royce’s mind the exact opposite was true. Succeeding off your own bat held a hell of a lot more weight in his view than leeching off someone else’s success. Just as the measureof a man should be in how he acted and what he stood for rather than some meaningless dollar value.
    Royce was no longer interested in being accepted by a group of people who saw the world so differently from the way he did.
    So why was he letting Shara’s princess tone annoy him?
    Royce wasn’t sure. So he simply nodded and said, ‘OK. I don’t want you to answer the phone because if it
your ex then answering will give him what he wants. If you refuse to pick up you cut him off at the knees, so to speak.’
    ‘Won’t that make him mad?’ she asked.
    Royce smiled. ‘More than likely. But who cares? It sounds to me like he’s had his own way for too long. Now it’s our turn. We’re going to take control of the situation.’
    He could tell from her expression that Shara was undecided about his approach, but by then it was too late. They both fell silent as the answering machine picked up the call.
    There was nothing for one long minute, and then the phone was slammed down.
    Shara winced.
    Royce smiled.
    The phone rang again almost instantly.
    ‘Ignore it,’ Royce said again.
    This time Shara shook her head. ‘I think I’d better answer it. It might not be him.’
    ‘Then why didn’t they leave a message?’
    ‘I don’t know. But there’s one way to
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