a wink and a grin.
Tim filled the two boys in on the chief's whereabouts, and once they were reunited with Jean and Tumen, the five hurried to catch up to the police chief. He led them straight to a huge town hall. More Pirate Guards. There was no way the crew could march right in.
"Around back," Jack suggested.The rear of the building was definitely more promising. Although the door was locked, just under the roof was one window with its shutters open; someone had forgotten to close it against the rain. Leading up to it almost like a ladder was a thick growth of ivy on a trellis. In the blink of a mangy cat's eye, the five boys were scuttling up it.Once inside the building, they found themselves in a small room off a long hall. At the far end was a narrow staircase. Sneaking down one flight they came out on a balcony that looked over the main ceremonial hall.But it wasn't a ceremony that was taking place in the hall. Instead, it was where Madame Minuit had decided to set up shop.She was wearing her stunning black-and-red dress and beautiful beaded hairnet. She sat in a fancy carved chair that seemed to be serving as a throne, flanked by a half dozen Pirate Guards. Before her was the chief of police, reporting in."...mining is going quite well, Cap tai n, I mean, Madame, he grinned, embarrassed.She smiled b enignly. Madame was definitely pleased with his report. Obviously, Jack thought. If she weren't pleased, she would have had her pet snakes attack the man before now."Excellent," she said, smiling. "In only a few months the entire city shall be mined and shipped to Europe and the colonies. Good riddance!"Jack and his friends all looked at each other. New Orleans itself was the mine!"Madame Minuit, your next appointment is here," an attendant said softly, clicking his heels."Send them in," she responded carelessly, waving her hand like a queen.Jack rolled his eyes and imitated her, waving his own hand.Then,
Left-Foot Louis and Silverback entered the room, grinning like two very self-s atisfied cats. "It seems to be a summit of the vilest pirates in the Caribbean!" Fitzwilliam said in a whisper.It looked bad, Jack had to agree. It was the five of them against the snake queen, the incredibly burly and scary police chief, the crystal-legged pirate-wizard, Silverback, and his friend, Left-Foot--who was basically a several-hundred-pound berserker.The odds weren't good at all.Jack leaned over the rail, scoping out the entire room and trying to come up with an alternate plan for getting rid of all the baddies at once.The balustrade creaked loudly under his weight. Fitzwilliam and the others looked at him in horror. Part of the old wooden railing then broke off and landed right at Madame Minuit's feet .Jack smiled weakly and waved.
Madame Minuit's mouth hung wide and slack with amazement.The other pirates also looked up, their eyes murderous."GET THEM! Madame Minuit screeched, finally finding her voice.None of the pirates needed to be told twice.
"Run?" Fitzwilliam asked, by now used to their standard "Plan B."
"Run," Jack agreed, tired of the fact that this64was now their standard "Plan B. Someday, he wouldn't have to run from anyone. Someday he would have his own ship and sail the seas freely and not fear a single soul....The five boys ran back the way they had come, up the stairs and down the hall to the office whose window they had climbed through. But a heavy wind must have blown in--the door to the office had banged shut and was now securely locked.
"What now?" Tumen asked, suspecting he knew the answer.
"Go down fighting?" Jack suggested bravely.
"Who's going down?" Jean demanded, grinning and drawing his sword.
"Let's get these mauvais types! Vive Nouvelle Orleans Vive le Barnacle!"Mates. Let's go, meet 'em head on!" Jack s aid, drawing his silver sword.
Everyone looked surprised when Jack and his friends burst through the double doors of the great hall."Come to meet your fate, oui? Madame
Iris Johansen, Roy Johansen