Perfect Ten

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Author: Michelle Craig
a rich man after only six years in the business. Word got around about how my big, satisfied and women started specifically requesting me. I would have to say, up to this point I’ve probably fucked ninety percent of my dates. Even though I still love sex as much as I always have, I’m starting to wonder if there’s maybe something more for me out there.
    “Too old? Nah. I guess I’m just in a rut.” I leaned over and grabbed the folder.
    “Wait!” Stan jumped up and grabbed it back.
    “What the hell?”
    “I just want to give you a heads up. Remember, this was originally the new kid Brian’s date.” Stan looked at me expectantly, like she being Brian’s date explained the whole thing.
    “Well, you know the new kids get the, um, less desirable dates.”
    “She can’t be worse than Sophia. What gives, Stan?”
    “I think we should just do this like ripping a bandage off. She’s out in the waiting room. I’m going to go bring her in so the two of you can meet.”
    “Okay.” It wasn’t unusual for us to meet our dates before we took them wherever they needed to go. Some women had a very specific idea of what they wanted their date to look like and what kind of personality would work for them. There were many times when I talked with a potential client for a while, and we mutually agreed she’d be better off with someone else. No big deal.
    Stan walked out and left me standing there in a funk. I was getting concerned with his behavior. What the hell was going to walk through that door?
    I didn’t have long to wait. Stan came back about a minute later with an extraordinarily curvy, cute blonde on his arm. She looked a little frumpy in her plain gray skirt and matching high collared blouse; her curly hair was a bit out of control, but aside from that, she was adorable. To tell you the truth, at my first glimpse of her, I could swear my heart beat double time. It was weird. Something went through me that I can’t explain. It was a shiver. Well, not a shiver exactly—more like a shockwave. All I knew for sure was that I wanted her. I felt like wrapping my arms around her and taking her home with me. Pretty intense, huh? Yeah, tell me about it.
    When she opened her mouth, any hope of that happening died. She took one look at me with her beautiful blue eyes opened wide, shook her head, and said, “Oh, no. Absolutely not.”

Chapter 5
    Faith Graham
    I have great friends but a not so great family. I love my family, but they tend to be condescending toward me, even when they don’t mean to be. At least, I like to fool myself into believing they don’t mean to be.
    Let me start off by telling you about my physical appearance, because that seems to be where my family’s animosity rests, and incidentally , where my insecurities lie.
    I’m five-foot-six, have slightly wavy strawberry blonde hair that I keep long so I can hide behind it—you know, for that extra layer of security—blue eyes and I’m a size sixteen. I’ve fought my weight my entire life. Sometimes, when I write everything down and count my calories, I can lose ten pounds or so, but honestly, I’m almost afraid to try anymore, because when the pounds come back—and they always do—they bring friends.
    At twenty-eight years old, I’ve only had two serious boyfriends. Neither one of them were long term, but at least I’m not a virgin, I guess. Sex has never been very pleasant for me, but I’m hoping that’s because neither one of my boyfriends knew what they were doing. I’ve casually dated off and on, but none of my dates were anything to write home about.
    My first experience with sex was a total disaster, which was a real shame, because even though I don’t have a healthy body image, I have a very healthy and imaginative mind. My fantasies sometimes consume me, even in the middle of the day.
    So, here it is. His name was Mitch, and he was a senior in high school. I was a junior, and I thought it was so cool that an
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