Passion's Tide

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Book: Passion's Tide Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah West
problems to a member of the staff , but Maxwell had been with her family since they moved to Boston, and had proved his loyalty time and time again. She trusted him implicitly, and before she knew it she was describing the contents of her father’s will.
    “Ah, this explains the need to travel to Europe, but not the immediacy . Did the will say anything else?”
    “It also maintains that until I am wed to this baron or duke, I cannot hold control over my family’s estates.”
    Surprise registered on his face . “But I naturally assumed you would take over your mother’s role as head of the household.”
    “So did I.”
    “Well, then, who is in charge until you find a suitable husband? Surely not—”
    She dropped her head . “Control is in the hands of my guardian, who, since my mother’s death, is Neil.”
    “Oh lord, I was afraid you would say that . I must tell the maids to hide the silver . Has he done anything rash yet?”
    “No, I don’t think he knew the details of my father’s will . How could he, when my mother hid it for all these years?”
    A slow smile spread over his face . “Well, there really is no need for him to know yet, is there?”
    His meaning dawning on her, she returned his smile . “You can be quite devious when you put your mind to it, Maxwell.”
    “I picked up several tricks while watching you grow up . Now, I’m assuming you have a lot of packing to do?” She nodded . “I shall see that the trunks are brought up to your bedroom this afternoon . And if I’m not mistaken, that is Madam Lorelei’s carriage approaching.”
    Sure enough, Amber heard the sound of horses pulling up to the front of the house . Maxwell reached out to her and touched her arm. “ Miss Amber, your mother was a wonderful woman, and all of us are saddened by her sudden passing . We know how close you were. If there’s anything at all we can do to help ease your loss, I implore you to please let us know.”
    Amber blinked back another set of tears and gave Maxwell a quick hug. Thanking him , she picked up her skirts and hurried into the parlor where she would greet her guest, attempting to fix her hair as she waited .
    She was shoving the last curl under her cap when the d oor opened and the maid ushered the tall middle-aged woman into the room . Amber directed her towards the sofa and smiled.
    “Madam Lorelei, I’m so glad you could meet with me today . I’m sure it must have been a hassle to rearrange all of your appointments, and for that I thank you.”
    “By the tone of your lovely maid’s voice, I assumed this was an emergency?” She raised her perfectly arched eyebrows in question, as if demanding to know why she had been forced to alter her schedule .
    “Yes, I’m afraid I’m in need of a new wardrobe . You see, my mother passed away yesterday morning, and I leave for England in four days, yet I have nothing suitable to wear,” Amber explained, hoping her voice contained enough pathos to elicit a response from Madam Lorelei . When she received none she tried a different tactic: “I knew you were the only person in all of Boston who was up to the challenge of creating a whole new wardrobe, fit for a London Season, in just four days . No body knows as much about European fashion as you do, and your skill is matched by no one.” Amber knew she was almost there because the older woman had lost her scowl, a small smile even playing at the corners of her lips . “And, as you can imagine, I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your trouble.”
    At last the dressmaker smiled and waved her hand dismissively, displaying a gaudy collection of rings on her fingers . “Let’s not bore ourselves by discussing the financial matters . Instead,” she inched closer to Amber and pulled out a sketchbook, “tell me what sorts of events you will be attending . Balls? Operas? Garden parties?” She paused in her drawing to look up, and laughed when she saw Amber’s blank face . “Don’t worry,
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