Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ivan Kal
spent a lot of time in the company of Retsar Isani. He knew his opponent was in fact amused by Adrian’s futile attempts at delaying his defeat. But accepting defeat was not in Adrian’s nature, so he lowered his eyes back to the board and after another minute of thinking decided to make the move that would delay his defeat the most. After another four moves, his opponent finally won.
    “Another good game Adrian, you almost had me there.” Retsar Isani said in Nel.
    “Almost doesn’t matter.” Adrian responded in Nel as well.
    “You should have let me help you.” Iris said in Adrian’s head.
    “You have only learned Lus, it is a testament to your skill that you almost made it hard for me who had played it since childhood. But I believe it is still impossible for you to achieve victory. Perhaps if you study the game for a few more years.” Isani said, smiling softly.
    “I want to win on my own” Adrian said to Iris in the privacy of his head.
    “Well, I do plan on beating you in the near future. Each game we play gives me more insight in your strategy.” Adrian responded to Isani with a corner of his mouth lifting in a crooked smile. Iris snorted in the back of his head.
    “That is the beauty of Lus, each game one plays give something to the opponent. It is key that one learn to give only that which he desires his opponent to know.” Isani said.
    Adrian turned his palm in a Nel gesture, agreeing. “Yes, I noticed. The game is similar to a game my people play call chess, although much more intricate.”
    “Lus was created many millennia ago on Nelus. And it has been used in various situations, from simple fun to as a means for resolving conflict. Now it is primary mean of settling debates between families and political opponents on Nelus.” Isani said.
    Adrian shook his head in disbelief, “I have no idea how your people could have reached so far by using a game as the primary means of resolving conflict.”
    “Same as I have no idea how yours could have survived by using war.” Isani said in the same tone.
    “Point, I forget sometimes how different we truly are.” Adrian said.
    “As do I. But perhaps both of our people could learn something from each other.”
    “I hope so.” Adrian said. Isani nodded in a human gesture and reached over to the game board, clearing its holographic top and resetting it for another game. They spent the first few opening moves in silence. Then after Isani finished his move Adrian spoke,
    “How much chance do you think there is that your people will accept our offer.” Adrian asked. The two of them set off towards Nelus four months ago at Leviathan’s fastest hyperspace speed, they still had another two months of travel until they reach their destination. Aside from Leviathan, Adrian had brought the light cruiser Swift and the heavy cruiser Enterprise. While Retsar Isani didn’t bring any of his ships, choosing to travel on board the Leviathan. He didn’t want to risk his government trying to confiscate his ships. He was already worried that they might try to imprison him, but Adrian assured him that he won’t allow that to happen. The rest of Adrian’s force was back at Nuva, there was little chance that Sowir would return anytime soon, but they couldn’t risk it.
    Isani waited until Adrian finished his move before he responded, “A small chance only. I believe we can convince enough of the ruling families that your fabricating technology can give them the edge against the Sowir, but I fear there is very little chance of convincing them of your leaders offer. They will not agree that you control the technology.”
    “Lanai Sumia told the same to Tomas Klein.” Adrian noted as Isani finished his move.
    “Yes, and she knows the ruling families better than I. She was part of one of the strongest families on Nelus before she was sent to Nuva.” Isani said, as Adrian moved a piece on the board.
    “Why exactly was she sent to Nuva?” Adrian asked.
    “That is
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