Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

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Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ivan Kal
orders to his crew.
    “Set the course towards the outgoing trans-station. Maximum speed.” His confident voice rang out.
    Almost Immediately Johanna could see the entire fleet move on her c-board. After the retrofits, her ships were now capable of moving faster, and the trip from Sanctuary would now take two days. After seeing that everything is in order, Johanna left the Command Center, to review reports in her ready room. She spent the next two days reading reports, scheduling and devising simulations, and reading the data from Earth resistance.
    Johanna was on the bridge when they reached the trans-station. An area of space filled with trans particles. Projecting a “trans field” on this area of space would push any matter in the area (trans-station) from normal space into the trans-space, or what was called a trans-lane. Each lane was capable of transporting matter only in one direction. So in order to leave a system using a trans-lane one needed to find an outgoing trans-station. Looking at her c-board she opened the channel to the one of two trans-ships, the retrofitted explorer ship Traveler and the newly built Observer.
    “You are clear to begin the transfer.” Johanna said.
    “Yes ma’am.” Answered Ship Master Kisaragi Hana of the Traveler, “Beginning the transfer sequence in sixty seconds.”
    On the main holo table in the middle of the Command Center a countdown clock appeared, ticking off the sixty seconds. Johanna turned to her Sensor Handler,
    “Turn on the viewer if you please Adjunct Reddy.”
    “Yes Fleet Commander.” Sensor Handler Mark Reddy answered.
    A second later the round walls of the Command Center turned bright white and then they showed space, the CC was now sitting in space on top of the Monarch. Around them they could see the Second Fleet with its exterior lighting turned on and the light of Sanctuary’s sun Apollo reflected off a part of their hull, while it bathed the rest in shadows. The background was that of the nebula, dark teal streaked with greenish and red mass of thick gas, its opacity blocking the stars of the galaxy.
    And then the clock reached zero. For a moment nothing happened and then a violet wave of light appeared, washing over the Second Fleet. As soon as it passed, they were away. The outside changed, it looked as if they were traveling through a tunnel of violet and white light. Her crew looked at it in awe as small arcs bounced off their ship’s hull, looking all the more impressive because the Command Centers viewer was active. Johanna already saw what trans travel looked like from the First Fleets recordings, but she had to admit that in person it looked even more impressive. Every now and then a big arc of lightning would bounce off Monarch’s hull and leap towards another ship, and then to the next. The sight was breathtaking.
    Snapping herself from her reverie Johanna turned to Ship Master Venter, “What does the Fleet Report?”
    “All ships report clear Fleet Commander.” Ship Master Venter said.
    “Good.” Johanna said, she got up and started towards her ready room, “You have the command Ship Master.” She said.
    “I have the command.” He confirmed.
    Johanna entered her ready room and went to her desk turning it on, she sat and opened the records of the Earth’s Great War. The Second Fleet would not arrive in Sol for another fourteen months, plenty of time for her to learn the Ra’a’zani language, and get completely informed about everything that happened on Earth since Olympus left.

Chapter Three
    Dreadnought Leviathan
    Fleet Commander Adrian Farkas was in big trouble, he could not find a way to escape the danger no matter what he did. Every move he could make that didn’t result in instant death would only serve to prolong his life for a couple more moves. But he refused to surrender, he raised his head and looked into the swirling green eyes of his opponent, who was looking at him with an apparent blank face. But Adrian had
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