thinking not so much on the inside. That’s a dangerous combination, Reese.”
“Excuse me? What the hell does that mean? You think that I am immature? You just met me yesterday. Technically, it was today.” I thought that we had pretty good chemistry for having just met.
“No, no. I said that wrong. I meant that you’re young, and I’m guessing that you’re also inexperienced, not immature. I’m sorry.” He turns sideways, facing me. “I shouldn’t have said that anyway.”
Now that I can see his entire face, I notice a dark spot, a bruise maybe, under his right eye.
“How old are you?” I ask.
“I’m just a year younger than you, Brady.”
He nods his head. “You were sixteen yesterday. I’m eighteen, and I get the distinct impression that you’re a pretty good girl.”
Hmmm…I can’t decide if I’m embarrassed or offended by his comment.
“So what if I am? Not everyone aspires to be a slut, you know?”
I hold my chin high, not backing down from my comment as our eyes meet. He doesn’t hold my gaze for long though, soon his eyes move to travel down my body. I feel electricity shoot to my center. And that’s when I lose my good sense.
I don’t care if you’re a man-whore. Kiss me. Please kiss me .
As if he can read my mind, he leans toward me, not taking his eyes from mine. My breathing quickens as he gets closer. It’s not like I haven’t kissed a guy before, but I have a feeling that Brady would put those kisses to shame. He dips his head down and presses his lips to my shoulder, never looking away from my eyes. He kisses me there, open-mouthed, with a little flick of his tongue, and then he sits up and smiles at me before looking away.
Oh, wow. Just fucking…oh my God.
I feel a ping of pleasure and pain deep in my stomach.
How could that feel so…so…insanely crazy good?
I want him to kiss my lips. It’s my birthday, so I should get what I want. I contemplate saying something, but I don’t want to beg, not out loud anyway. As good as that was, I feel cheated, and I want more.
He abruptly stands and looks down at me. “I gotta go.” And as quickly as the words are out of his mouth, he’s gone.
I sit in a trance, staring at the fire, as the flames dance over the logs. For the first time ever, I want more, so much more.
I guess a person has to drink more than one beer and one little bottle of alcohol to get a hangover. I’m not sure what I was expecting when I woke up this morning, but I figured that I would feel something—a headache at least.
As I get dressed, I realize that I might actually feel better than I have in a long while.
I’m starving, so I make my way to the kitchen for something to eat.
“Where are you going?” I ask Kyle.
He passes me while I’m sitting on the barstool in the kitchen, eating an apple.
“The gym. Come with me.” He throws some clothes into a gym bag.
“Um, no.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s Sunday, and I think it’s illegal to work out on Sundays, Kyle.”
He tips his head and gives me the same scolding look that our parents give us. It’s insane just how much he looks like our father.
“Besides, gyms are full of skinny people. I’m in no mood for hot people today.”
“Reese, that’s bullshit. Come on. Put on some workout clothes.” He’s leaning against the bar beside me, checking his messages on his phone.
“I’ll go for a walk.” Now, that is bullshit.
“No, you won’t.”
I throw up my middle finger as I walk over to the garbage can to dispose of my apple core. “I don’t have a membership anyway.”
“It’s raining, Reese. Please come with me. I can bring a guest. I leave tomorrow. Hang out with me.”
As soon as the words come out of his mouth, I know I’m giving in. “You’re gonna play that card?”
“Yes, I am. Let’s go.” He smiles as I pass him on my way upstairs to change.
Just like I told Kyle, the gym is full of hot skinny people—well, aside