One Rainy Day

One Rainy Day Read Online Free PDF

Book: One Rainy Day Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joan Jonker
like a grown-up. A grimace came to George’s face when he told himself he was a fine one to talk. He spoilt his own daughter, who was the same age as Annabel, by giving her everything her heart desired, indulging her every whim. A sigh left his lips. This wasn’t the time to worry about Charlotte, not on his son’s birthday. Tomorrow, perhaps?
    When Andrew entered the drawing room the talking and laughter ceased, while all the guests moved to shake his hand and congratulate him. To his delight, his sister, Charlotte, was the first to reach him. She was brimmingover with happiness for him, and as she hugged him tight she whispered, ‘My wonderful brother, you look so handsome and I’m proud of you.’ Then in a voice everyone could hear, she said, ‘I often wish you weren’t my brother, for then I could marry you.’
    ‘Oh, I don’t know about that, my darling sister. I really don’t think I could afford to keep you in the manner to which you are accustomed.’
    Charlotte, beautiful to look at, and dressed like a dream, giggled. ‘We could live in a garret, and I could go out in the streets selling oranges.’ She put a hand to her heart and struck up a dramatic pose. ‘We might be poor, and starving, but we’d have each other.’
    The only person not amused was Harriet. ‘Really, Charlotte, that is most unbecoming in a young lady.’
    George’s guffaw sounded over the laughter. ‘You know I felt quite optimistic for a few seconds. Had Andrew not been your brother, Charlotte, I would have gladly given him a princely sum to take you off my hands.’
    Charles, the twenty-year-old son of Jeanette and Toby Hedley, piped up. ‘Oh, I say, Mr George, that is a very handsome offer. I can assure you that with a princely sum at my disposal, I could take jolly good care of Charlotte. If she would have me, of course.’
    Her eyes alive with laughter, Charlotte told him, ‘You have a taste for very expensive cars, Charles, and I fear I would come second to an automobile.’
    ‘That’s typical of a woman, that is,’ Charles said, his round chubby face trying not to smile. ‘A minute ago you were prepared to walk the streets selling oranges for Andrew. Now you’re turning your back on rides in the country in a red open-top sports car. It shows how fickle the female sex are.’
    The rest of the invited guests arrived then, and the room became noisy with greetings, chatter and laughter. And as glasses were refilled with whisky, claret, port and white wine, the level of chattering and tinkling of glasses increased.
    The quietest person was Harriet, who loved parties but wasn’t a party person. Apart from the odd remark, she was quite happy to sit back, listen, and congratulate herself on being an excellent hostess. The noisiest person was her son, Andrew, which was unusual, for he wasn’t a party animal by nature. But today had been a wonderful day and his head was in the clouds. He’d left it to his father to tell their friends about his promotion, for he was afraid if he did it himself it would sound like boasting.
    The happiest person was Charlotte, which wasn’t unusual for she always shone in company. Tonight she was happy for her brother, and very proud of him.
    Dressed in a neat black dress, with her hair combed back into a bun at the back of her neck, Frances entered the drawing room. She moved quietly round the revellers to where her mistress sat talking to Jessica Parker-Brown. After coughing discreetly, she said, ‘Dinner is ready to be served, Miss Harriet. Shall I announce it?’
    ‘Please do, Frances. And suggest Mr Andrew leads his guests through to the dining room.’ Harriet knew it was an unnecessary question, but she asked it out of habit. ‘Is everything going to plan?’
    The housekeeper nodded. ‘Everything you requested, Miss Harriet. I’m sure the guests will be more than satisfied.’
    Jessica leaned forward to touch Frances on her arm. ‘I’m sure we will be green with envy, Frances.
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