One & Only (Canton)
what he wanted, and he was never ashamed. I’d never known anything like that. “I liked you so much, Tess, but you made it clear you only wanted to work. I didn’t think I had a chance.”
    My breath caught. “If we’d done this, we wouldn’t have finished the project.” Because this was all I wanted to do. This should be all anyone wanted to do, ever.
    “Your self-control is astounding.” He had no idea. But as he leaned in to kiss me, I let him. I let him do a whole lot more, too, until I came, trembling, in his arms, and he had to go get another condom.
    It started getting dark outside, but neither of us were interested in dinner. So it began.
    I thought of the man lying next to me. His huge, loving family waiting for him at home. His future attendance at Canton, where no doubt he’d make a splash, doing his studies and maybe even living in a building named after my father.
    “When are you leaving for school?” Dylan asked, as if he could read my thoughts. “The Canton dorms open early. I can be there by the end of August. I can see you before you leave.”
    I shrugged. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I pictured myself coming home on weekends so I could be sure of meeting up with Dylan. Trying to balance research opportunities with my need to see a boyfriend who lived three hours away. I imagined all the things I’d end up being, all the things I wouldn’t be able to be, if I tied myself to a man in Canton.
    Just like my mother had.
    “Why? Are your folks really strict? Because I can be so charming. Parents love me.” He cleared his throat. “‘Mr. McMann, I’m here to take your daughter to a scientific lecture.’”
    My smile faded. “My dad’s not…Mr. McMann. He doesn’t live with us.” I took a deep breath. “I’m not exactly…legitimate.”
    A burst of laughter escaped his lips. “ Legitimate ? No one says that anymore, Tess.” He tilted my chin in his direction. “I think you’re totally legitimate.”
    I didn’t argue with him. Why ruin what time we had left? Before I flew home, he told me when he’d be at Canton. He promised to call. I kissed him in response, because I couldn’t bear to say that I couldn’t promise him anything like that.
    Dylan did call. He called six times, texted three, and emailed once, concerned that something might have happened to me. I never replied to any of them. I did see when he unfriended me on Facebook, and I convinced myself it was better this way.
    I went to school three hours away, became that botany professor’s research assistant, and only came home for major holidays and my mother’s birthday.
    I didn’t see Dylan again for two years.

    Two years later
    “Of course I’m happy for you, honey,” my mother said when I told her the news of my scholarship. “You always wanted to go to Canton. I just don’t know what your father is going to say.”
    “There’s not much he can say about it,” I replied airily.
    Twenty-year-old me knew a lot of things seventeen-year-old me—and my mother—never had. Like how to get scholarships and interest-free student loans and line up research assistant positions that would defray the cost of textbooks. For two years, I’d given State my best shot, but their program didn’t have what I wanted. Canton’s did. Landing the transfer and the academic scholarship required to pay for it had meant everything. Even my old boss, Professor Stewart, had approved of my move.
    “Everything is going to be paid for, so we don’t have to ask Dad for anything. And I’m going to pick up a few shifts at Verde downtown—you know, that restaurant where Sylvia works? So I can even help you with the rent and food—”
    “You don’t have to help me,” my mom began. “I got a new commission last month.”
    Well, I would if Dad decided to take my transfer to Canton out on Mom because she couldn’t keep their most dangerous secret three hours outside of town. If it were possible to hide my
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