One Night That Changes Everything

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Book: One Night That Changes Everything Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauren Barnholdt
Expensive looking haircut. Not someone I would ever ask to dance. Mostly because I would never ask anyone to dance, but if I did, it would definitely not be that guy.
    “I’m not,” I say, gritting my teeth. “Doing that.”
    “Then they’re going to put your notebook online,” he says.
    I blink at him, positive I’ve heard him wrong. “They’re going to put my notebook online?” What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean, honestly. “What the fuck is wrong with these people?” I ask.
    “They’re pissed,” he says. “That you posted that thing about me online and kept me from getting into Brown. Plus you outted me.”
    “Outted you?”
    “Yeah, outted me. As being one of the 318s.”
    “Are you
    Cooper shrugs, downs the rest of his drink, and then gets up and crosses the room over to where the 318s are sitting. I’m left sitting at the huge booth by myself. I look down at the seat, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Cooper did bring the notebook and maybe he left it by accident. But of course the seat is empty.
    I make my way back to Clarice and Marissa, my head spinning from the warmth of the club and the buzz of the alcohol and the shock of what just happened.
    “What did he say, what did he say?” Clarice asks. She’s out of her seat and jumping around, hopping back and forth from one foot to the other, back and forth on her high silver sandals.
    “He said,” I say, “that I have to ask that guy to dance.”
    “What guy?” Marissa asks. I point him out.
    “Oooh, he’s cute,” Clarice says. “Lucky girl.”
    “That doesn’t make sense,” Marissa says, obviously a little quicker on the uptake than Clarice. “Why would they ask you to ask that guy to dance?”
    “I don’t know,” I say, staring at him. “Maybe he’s a crazy stalker or something, and they know if I ask him to dance, I’ll end up in a dumpster somewhere, killed and dismembered.”
    But as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I realize that’s not the reason. And that’s because I remember something. Something from my purple notebook. Something Iwrote last year, one night after Kate came home from Cure and it seemed like she had a really, really fun time. And that was, “Show up at Cure in a sexy outfit and ask the hottest guy there to dance.”
    And then I get it. The 318s have somehow decided to make me do the things that are in my notebook. All the things I’m afraid of. The things I’ve been writing since the seventh grade. And if I don’t, they’re going to post the notebook online, and everyone at school, no, everyone with an
Internet connection,
will know all my secrets. For a second, it feels like my throat swallows up my heart, and my breath catches in my chest. There’s only one thing left to do. I put my head in my hands and start to cry.

Chapter Three
    8:03 p.m.
    This whole thing is pretty much my own fault. I mean, if I hadn’t been stupid enough to think that Cooper Marriatti really wanted to date me, then I wouldn’t be in this mess. But when he showed up at my work that day, he looked so cute and he seemed so nice and I guess I wanted to believe it so badly and so I did.
    I work part-time at a paintball park, so it wasn’t like I’d never had a hot guy come in before. In fact, it seemed like all we got there were hot guys. Of course most of them didn’t pay any attention to me, and a lot of them had, you know, rage problems which is why they were there playing paintball in the first place.
    But something about Cooper was different. The way heleaned against the front counter and talked to me, the way he asked me tons of questions about paintball even when it became obvious that he already knew what he was doing.
    Of course I knew who Cooper was—but I’d never actually paid much attention to him. He was the guy other girls drooled over, the kind of guy who’d go for my sister, Kate. I never really let myself crush too much on guys like that—they were to be admired
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