One Kiss More

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Book: One Kiss More Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mandy Baxter
Landon wished he had the flirty, vapid representation of Emma Ruiz, Spoiled Socialite that she’d thrown at him upon exiting the elevator. He could deal with that aspect of her personality because he knew it was a front, a wall she put up to keep others out. This fiery, intelligent, assertive, no-holds-barred woman sitting in front of him was the real Emma. And, damn, did she ever turn him on.
    “Oh, you’ll know when I’m managing you.” Morgan gave him a look, but Landon couldn’t be bothered to feel repentant over his own flirtatious tone. Where Emma was concerned, caution and good sense didn’t exist. “Do you know what conspiracy is, Emma?”
    “Do I look like a child to you, McCabe? Or an idiot?”
    No, she certainly didn’t look like either. He dragged his gaze from the tantalizing swell of her breasts as a tight smile tugged at his lips. “You’ve got a good life, a career, friends . . .” Was there a boyfriend in that mix? “I don’t want to see you throw it all away. I know your dad wouldn’t want you to, either.”
    “You know nothing about my dad,” Emma bit out. “You know, for the record, McCabe, putting cuffs on a man doesn’t make you BFFs.”
    Landon shrugged a shoulder. “You’re probably right, but I do know that he loves you and that he wouldn’t want to see you throw your life away to protect him. If you tell us what you know, his punishment might be less severe. If not, there’s a pretty good possibility he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison.”
    Emma regarded Landon, again tilting her head to the side and giving him an unhindered view of her lovely throat. “Well, in that case, I guess I’d better spill my guts.”
    Seriously, did McCabe’s I’m on your side, help me to help you routine ever gain him any ground with suspects?
    Either the criminal set he was used to dealing with was way dumber than Emma expected or McCabe was so full of himself that he couldn’t smell his own ripe bullshit. Well, he was about to have a rude awakening. He could threaten her all he wanted, spew concern and tell her he was on her side until the cows came home, she still wasn’t going to play ball. Not now or ever. And as far as arresting her? Let him try. He had nothing on her. She’d be out by dinner.
    All three deputies sat up straighter in their seats at her words, their eyes round as they waited for her big reveal. It didn’t take much bait to hook these eager fish. It was almost too easy. Emma leaned forward in her chair as though about to share a coveted secret. “Here’s what I know . The male seahorse carries the babies, not the female. The top speed of a cheetah clocks in at about sixty miles per hour. More men than women are color-blind. The first computer programmer was a woman—which, in my opinion is pretty damned awesome. And, the first programming language was called Fortran—sounds super sci-fi, right? There are more than three hundred and fifty of those little dimples in a golf ball, and tug-of-war was an actual Olympic event in the early nineteen hundreds.” Emma took a deep breath and watched as Landon’s cheeks turned a lovely shade of scarlet. A couple more random facts might cause steam to billow out of his ears. “Babe Ruth used to wear a cabbage leaf under his hat, and—”
    “I can arrest you right now, Emma. Is that what you want?”
    McCabe’s tone was no longer playful or even friendly. Instead, it carried a dark edge that caused a pleasant shudder to fan from the center of Emma’s stomach as it rippled outward through her limbs. She couldn’t resist pushing him a bit further and held out her hands, wrists upturned. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have you cuff me, McCabe.”
    Without a word, he shoved his chair back, the feet scraping on the floor tiles as he stood. His jaw was clenched tight, the muscle at his cheek twitching as he headed for the door and yanked it open. He slammed it behind him and Emma jumped in her
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