Once Mated Twice Shy

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Book: Once Mated Twice Shy Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. S. Martin
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Werewolves & Shifters
came out as a moan.  Jordan squeezed her hand.  What the hell was wrong with
her?  “So many fucking bites, what were they trying to accomplish?”
    “They were trying
to kill her Jordan.  It’s simple.  Don’t worry yourself sick about it too. 
There are enough wolves around here stressed out over what happened to Lettie. 
Just be glad they’re gone.”  Jordan grunted.  “I’m going to check on Lynnie,
she should be close to delivery by now.  I’ll come back by later to give her
another shot just leave the front door unlocked so I don’t wake you if it’s
late.  Meanwhile, she needs to break the fever.  I saw that your mark is
gone.”  Jordan grunted again.  “I knew you guys were having problems but I
didn’t know it had gone that far.  It would be best if you got in the bed with
her and kept her warm.  I know you are no longer mated but if she’s going to
    “I’ll take care of
it doc.”  Lettie drifted off again. 
    Lettie nuzzled the
warm chest that her face pressed against.  Jordan.  Was it all a dream? 
He was so warm.  His arms were around her, comforting her.  It felt so nice. 
She nuzzled him again and sighed.  His big hand stroked her spine gently.  She
loved it when he did that.  Lettie scooted closer and kissed his chest.  Warm,
bare, smooth, and perfectly spiced skin rubbed against hers.  He was so sexy. 
Her tongue sneaked out and tasted him.  “Mmm.”  She moaned. 
    “Easy girl.” 
Jordan pushed her away a little and she came awake.  “Don’t do that again. 
Next time I won’t stop you.”  It was a dream, sort of.  Lettie brought her hand
up her body.  One of them had bitten her breasts.  “You’re okay.  You’re whole
again.  You’ve healed.”  Lettie tried to open her still swollen eyes and she
could see now.  The light hurt and she decided to keep them closed.  “You’re
going to be okay but the doc wants you to stay in bed and rest.”
    “I can do that at
home.”  She murmured and tried to get up but he held her down easily.  “Let me
go.”  She mumbled.
    “Colette you are
in no shape to go anywhere.  The doc has you on his strongest brew so you won’t
be able to walk a straight line let alone hold a shift.  Don’t try to move
again or I will be forced to restrain you.”
    “You would.”  She
mumbled and drifted off again, she heard him chuckle.
    “How are we doc?” 
Lettie heard Jordan ask, his voice rumbled in his chest against her cheek.
    “Well, Lynnie had
a ten pound boy and she named him Isaiah.”  Something stuck Lettie in the hip
and she groaned.  “This one is getting better.  Her color is good.  Her heart
beat is good, lungs are clear and most of the bruises are gone.  I just wish
this fever would break.  Its low grade now but I want it to break.  How do you
feel about getting really hot?” 
    “What are you
talking about doc?”  Jordan’s voice rumbled again and she nuzzled his chest. 
She felt him look down at her.
    “I want to try
something.  I want to put you two under a few quilts and bump the heat up in
    “I’m dying now
doc.”  Lettie scooted closer.
    “I know it’s a lot
to ask.  She isn’t even your mate anymore.  Maybe I should move her to the
infirmary.  Then you would have your privacy back.  You’ve done more than
anyone would expect from a wolf that has been rejected.”
    “I rejected her
doc.”  Jordan said.
    “Yeah.”  The doc
shook his head.  “No Jordan.  The mark faded when she rejected you, she still
had her mark two months ago when she had the piece of metal stuck in her foot.  So,
in the past two months Lettie has rejected you.  If you’d really rejected her
it would’ve been gone but it wasn’t.”
    “Okay doc, don’t
let me keep any pride at all.”  Jordan chuckled.
    “There is no pride
between mates Jordan.  You should know that.  Now do you want me to take her to
the infirmary or do you want me
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