mortals to carry out their biddings, the accord between the gods continues to remain binding."
Damion frowned. "Slither said that the rumors say that He will achieve His goals through me ." He was silent for a moment. "Is there any way for us to locate Him, if He has returned, that is?"
Tempest shook her great head. "He is a god. He will not be found, unless He wishes to be found. Though their footsteps may resound throughout the universe, a god can still conceal their presence from anyone they choose." She gave him an amused look. "Were you planning to go charging off on a new quest to face a dragon god? Is the idea of facing a mere dragon no longer thrilling enough for you?"
Damion laughed. "I've had quite enough of that, thank you! I am quite content in my role as father. Leia has brought a peace into my life unlike anything I have known before." His face fell. "But these rumors have me worried. I do not want my wife and child put into danger."
Tempest nodded approvingly. "I would expect no less from you, Dragonkin." She heaved a great sigh of regret. "We may have blundered when we destroyed the brood. I have no doubt that their deaths caused Draco great anger. Looking back, it may have been better to try to force another oath from the brood mother, and send them back to their banishment."
Damion shook his head. "She would have never have consented to that. She would have rather seen her brood destroyed before returning to her banishment."
"It no longer matters. The deaths of so many shadow dragons surely drew Draco's attention. If He has returned, that would be the reason."
"Then He intends to take revenge upon me?"
Tempest thought about his question for a moment. "I find it highly doubtful that He has returned to take revenge. That could cause more deaths among His children. I'm not exactly sure what He is planning, but I doubt that it involves seeking your death."
"That's something, at least." Damion said, breathing a silent sigh of relief. He hadn't fancied the idea of being forced to contend with a god. "Do you have any suggestions?"
Tempest shrugged her massive shoulders. "There is really nothing you can do, but sit back and wait to find out if He truly has plans that involve you."
Damion snarled. "I hate just sitting around waiting for something to happen."
"Try not to think about it." She suggested with a toothy smile. "Just return home and concentrate on making some more children."
Damion found Damarius, Dar, Sly, and Raven awaiting his return in the comfortable office where he usually conducted his day to day business of running of the castle.
"Was you able to discover anything useful?" Dar asked eag erly. Tempest was one the childlike sprite's oldest and most dearest friends. He had searched for over four hundred years for a way to free the scarlet dragons from their prison inside of the Dragon Gem, and had been instrumental in aiding Damion in recovering and joining the gem and the Dragon Sword, releasing the scarlet dragons into the world once again. "Was Tempest able to shed any insight into why the dragonspawn are convinced that their god has returned?"
"She had a few ideas, but nothing solid to go on." He walked over to the oversized chair that had been placed behind an enormous desk, both of which he had been forced to have specially made to accommodate his massive frame, then paused to allow Snowfeather to hop down from his place on Damion's shoulder. He finally collapsed into his chair with a tired sigh.
"So the dragon god hasn't returned?" Raven asked, a confused look on her face.
Damion shrugged. " Tempest wasn't sure. She felt the same dread that I felt when the constellation vanished from the heavens, but she told me that there wasn't any way to find out where Draco actually went." He gave Damarius a curious look. "Did you know that there is actually two dragon gods? The dragon god, Draco, and the serpent mother, Estheryal?"
"Really?" The old wizard looked surprised. "I had