Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God

Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God Read Online Free PDF

Book: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God Read Online Free PDF
Author: Barry Gibbons
that Slither had been seen lurking around the edge of the forest."
Tempest made an indelicate sound. "I don't see how you can associate with that creature. It is an abomination."
"Slither isn't so bad, once you get used to him. Besides, he's done a great job at keeping the rest of the dragonspawn in check. Since he took the horde in hand, there hasn't been a single report of a dragonspawn attack anywhere in the mountains."
"Well, I guess it may be good for something." The huge dragon conceded reluctantly.
Damion laughed. "Anyway, I figured he was allowing himself to be seen to get my attention, so I ventured out to see him." His face fell. "He said that there were rumors spreading through the horde that the dragon god, Draco, had returned to the world once again."
Tempest sat in thoughtful silence for several long moments, then finally asked. "Was that all it had to say?"
Damion shook his head. "He warned me that Draco had returned to reclaim the world that once belonged Him and His children, and that I was the tool in which He would achieve His goals." He looked up at her with concern. "I would have dismissed it as nonsense if not for the fact the constellation of the dragon god has disappeared from the heavens. Damarius seems to think that the dragonspawn are just creating stories to help explain its disappearance, but..." His expression was one of doubt.
The huge dragon looked grim. "It was exactly one year ago tonight that the constellation of the dragon god, Draco, disappeared from its place among the stars, where He had watched over this world for untold eons. It is safe to say that every serpent on the planet felt the moment when He decided to abandon His watch over His children."
Damion shuddered. "I remember the sudden feeling of dread, and the overwhelming sensation that something was horribly wrong. That's when I went outside and saw the constellation had vanished."
"We all felt that same dread." She murmured in a subdued voice. "You, the dragons, the dragonspawn, we all felt the moment that Draco left His place among the heavens. The entire universe heaved and convulsed around us. It's not often when a god decides to leave their place watching over their children, and the tremors from their footsteps can be felt throughout all of creation."
"So the constellations really are the gods looking down upon us?"
Tempest nodded. "Every group of stars belongs to a god, and every god has an opposite watching their every move from across the heavens."
"Every god has an opposite?" Damion was surprised by this revelation. " Like a rival?"
" Precisely. Everything has an opposite. Light and dark, black and white, day and night. There is a balance that must always be maintained for the universe to continue to exist."
Damion took a moment to absorb this. "So does Draco have a rival?"
"Of course. Her name is Estheryal, the Serpent Mother. Her constellation is only visible on the darkest of nights."
"What will She do now that Draco has vanished from the heavens?"
Tempest grunted, and shook her head. "There's no predicting what a god may choose to do. But if I were guess, She will do what most gods do, She will watch."
Damion's expression had grown concerned. "Do you think that Draco has returned?"
T empest shrugged. "I'm not sure, but if there are rumors floating around that He has returned to this world, I certainly wouldn't dismiss them."
"Don't you think He would have made His presence known once He returned?"
Tempest scratched her scaly chin thoughtfully. "It's hard to know the mind of any god, but I do know that they must work through mortals. They were forced to leave this world thousands of years ago to keep their various wars from destroying the entire planet. With they left, they all agreed never to take a direct hand in the events and affairs of mortals. If they were to take direct action in the events that shape our would, their rivals would immediately move to counter them, renewing their age old war. As long as they use
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