hiding something from them.
Plastering a wide smile on his face that he hoped didn’t look as fake as it felt, Syx carried plates to Echo and Vapre. Not for the first time, he was very glad that his own thoughts were safe from prying minds.
* * * *
“It’s been five days,” Echo said quietly as he snuggled between Vapre and Syx on the sofa. “They should have been back by now.”
He loved this time he had alone with Vapre and Syx, but he missed the rest of his men. They should have been home two days ago, safe, sound, and exactly where they were supposed to be. What the hell was taking so long? And why hadn’t anyone called to check in with them?
“There’s a good chance that they don’t have reception where they’re at,” Syx answered as he nuzzled the top of Echo’s head with his cheek. “Someone would have sent word if there was anything to worry about. Maybe it’s just farther than Mac had originally thought.”
Echo appreciated his lover trying to reassure him, but his mind still whirled with images of terrible things happening to his warriors. “Can we try to call? Just once more?” They’d tried several times in the last two days, but each call had gone straight to voice mail.
He looked up at Syx hopefully. Undeterred by the look of resignation on his mate’s face, Echo turned to Vapre. “Please?”
Vapre smiled indulgently and fished his cell phone out of his pocket. He pressed it into Echo’s palm and leaned over to kiss his forehead. “I don’t know if you’ll get an answer, but you call anytime you want.”
Rubbing his cheek against Vapre’s in gratitude, Echo flipped open the phone and scrolled through the call history, picking one of his demon’s numbers at random, and held the phone to his ear. His face lit up, hope settling in his heart when the phone began to ring.
Twice, three times, a fourth, and Echo began to deflate, his face falling in disappointment. Then in the middle of the fifth ring, a smooth voice drifted over the line, and Echo almost passed out in relief.
“Hey, baby.”
“Eyce,” Echo breathed. “Are you okay? Where are you? When are you coming home? Did you find the guys from the lab? How bad were they hurt? When are you coming home?”
Eyce’s low chuckle sent liquid heat coursing through Echo’s body, and he shivered visibly. “Calm down, love. Everyone is fine. We found the residents, and Hex healed them pretty quickly. We’re on our way home now, should be there in an hour or so. Can you guys start preparing for a few more guests?”
“Absolutely,” Echo answered as he pushed up from the cushions and began pacing the carpet between the sofa and the coffee table. “How many are coming?”
“Three. Mac says you know them. He and Sony are about to wet themselves, they’re so excited.”
“Who are they? Do you know their numbers?”
“Hold on.”
Echo could hear Eyce speaking to someone in the background, a couple of low chuckles, and then a high-pitched squeal. He jerked the phone away from his head and stared at it as though it had morally offended him. He only knew one person who screeched like that.
“Ninety-four,” he mumbled, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“Right,” Eyce responded, startling him. “Ninety-four, Eighty-eight, and Eighty-six.”
“They need names. I won’t call them by their numbers. That’s a life we all escaped, and I don’t want any traces of it in our home.”
“That’s a perfect idea, baby,” Eyce said softly. “You guys can discuss it when we get there, okay?”
“Okay.” Echo sighed, breathing deeply for the first time in days. “What took so long? Why are you just now coming home? Was there trouble?”
“Not exactly,” Eyce said evasively. “I’ll explain later.”
Echo understood that he wouldn’t get anything more from his mate. “Okay,” he repeated. “I’ll see everyone when you get home. Give the guys a big kiss from me, Vapre, and Syx.” He glanced over his