North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost Read Online Free PDF

Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlie Cochet
troubling his cousin, and he had a feeling it somehow involved him and Rudy. He’d have to sit down with him before he got any silly notions into that impulsive brain of his. Hollis had a habit of approaching his troubles in the same manner he did everything else, by jumping headfirst into the fray, a source of discontent between him and his younger cousin spanning hundreds of years.
    They reached the large cell where a handful of toy soldiers were struggling to relieve the Mouse King of his jewel-encrusted crown. Personally, Jack thought the tacky object looked more like something a unicorn would excrete than a crown, but then that pretty much summed up his feelings on the Mouse King—on a good day.
    “Giving us trouble already?” Jack asked, walking leisurely up to the tussling soldiers, who upon his arrival quickly dispersed. He held his hand out, an eyebrow arching at the snarling monarch. “We can do this the easy way, or the it-will-be-very-painful-for-you way. I’m happy with either.”
    With a hiss, the Mouse King thrust the crown at him, and Jack promptly handed it to one of the toy soldiers, sending him outside along with the rest.
    “Frost. What brings you to my very humble abode?” The Mouse King sneered, his whiskers twitching as he looked Jack over. “Funny, you don’t look like a Sugarplum fairy.”
    Hollis took a step toward the Mouse King and Jack rolled his eyes. His cousin was far too easy to rile up. “Hollis, leave it.”
    “I want to know what nonsense he’s babbling about,” Hollis said through his teeth.
    “Haven’t you heard? Rumor has it your cousin, the great Prince of Frost, likes to take it up the backside like a Sugarplum fairy.”
    “How dare you!” Hollis advanced on the chortling Mouse King, only to have Jack casually grab his arm and pull him back. At times his cousin reminded him of an arctic wolf pup, all snarl, with tiny teeth, howling and nipping in an effort to be like his adult counterparts. It seemed like Jack was always stepping in to save the young elf from himself.
    “That’s enough,” Jack said, giving his cousin a pointed look. “Honestly, Hollis. You’re giving him exactly what he wants.”
    The Mouse King grinned wickedly. “Much like that Christmas elf gives your cousin what he wants.”
    Unbelievable. Jack gave the revolting rodent a warning glare before turning his attention back to Hollis, his voice low. “Get a hold of yourself, please. We don’t need an incident, not this close to the sentencing.”
    “I’m sorry,” Hollis muttered, unable to meet Jack’s gaze.
    “We’ll discuss this later. For now, let’s remain professional and get this over with.”
    A toy soldier popped his head into the cell, his anxious gaze falling on Jack. “Your Highness, there’s a photographer here from the North Pole City Gazette to take a picture of the Mouse King under the Frost King’s authorization.”
    Jack stifled a groan. That damned gazette was going to drive him mad. “Send him in, then.” It was as if his father enjoyed tormenting him.
    The gazette’s photographer swept into the cell, grin so wide Jack wanted to slap it off his face. “Thank you so much for your time, your Highness. Perhaps one of these days, you and Mr. Rudy might give us an exclusive—”
    “But—” Jack folded his arms over his chest and the chipper elf took a quick step back. “Right. Perhaps another time.”
    “Not likely.” He nodded over at the bored-looking hoodlum. “Hurry up and take your picture.”
    “Yes, of course.” The elf quickly positioned himself in front of the Mouse King, who zealously carried out the photographer’s instructions as if he were preparing for some kind of motion picture. Jack had never known another villain to enjoy the spotlight as much as this one did. In actuality, the Mouse King resembled more a storybook baddie than a hardboiled felon, what with his pencil-thin mustache, beady dark eyes, and gangly physique. He was
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