Night Shadow

Night Shadow Read Online Free PDF

Book: Night Shadow Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cherry Adair
Tags: Romance
    Leaning against a wall, in a stinking al ey . . . somewhere, pressed a hand
    to her roiling stomach and locked her knees so she didn’t col apse at
    Night Shadow
    Alex’s feet like a soufflé. Thank God it was dark so he couldn’t see her
    weakness. Saliva filled her mouth and she had to swallow convulsively to
    keep her dignity.
    “Where are we?” she demanded, putting strength in her voice and knees
    with considerable effort.
    They had materialized between two blank-faced concrete buildings. The
    darkness stank. She held her breath for a few moments. Not breathing in
    the smel of old urine, rancid food, and God only knew what else, helped.
    A little. But it didn’t do much for the disturbing feeling that she was going
    to fall over at any moment.
    The slight breeze felt cool against her cheeks, carrying with it the stench
    of . . . whatever back alleys were fil ed with. Refuse and excrement
    cloaked in near blackness.
    This is what you wanted, remember?
    Despite the smell, and the unsettling sensation of having her hearing
    blurred by the dial tone she kept hearing, she loved the rush of
    adrenaline, loved the frenetic beat of her heart. Loved living on the edge.
    Loved being a T-FLAC operative out on an op. It seemed as though she’d
    wanted to do this forever. And here she was. Wow.
    The lightness in her head was now two parts adrenaline and one part
    transport sickness. Alex had literally given her a two-minute warning after
    his Moscow call. Two minutes that included going back into the bathroom,
    pul ing on her LockOut, redressing, grabbing her weapon, and bracing
    herself. He’d then given her an indecipherable look with those
    mesmerizing green eyes, shaken his head, and grasped her uninjured
    A blinding flash of white and here they were.
    Teleporting gave her severe motion sickness, messing with her inner ear
    and tampering with her balance. And this was only her inaugural flight.
    She wasn’t looking forward to repeating the trip.
    “Taipei City.” His eyes caught the dim lights from a distant building, a
    feral gleam in the darkness. The faint sound of music drifted tantalizingly
    on the breeze.“Specifically a quarter mile from the National Palace
    Lexi glanced at the building beyond the alley, with its enormous glass
    skylights and four-story atrium brightly lit against the night sky. She
    recognized the museum from pictures. “We’re on Taiwan?” She believed
    him, but she was trying to buy time before she had to move.
    She didn’t even flinch when something large ran over her right boot, but
    just managed to bite back her scream of surprise. Lexi remained silently
    propped against the wall, praying it would keep her upright a bit longer.
    “There was a grand ball earlier celebrating the acquisition of a priceless
    jadeite Tang horse.” He continued to visually scan the area. “Life-size.”
    Thank God her equilibrium had started to return, and the accompanying
    ringing in her ears had dissipated. “I read about it. It has a saddle and
    bridle made of amber. Is someone trying to steal it?” Join T-FLAC and see
    the world. How freaking cool was this?
    Night Shadow
    “Tangos are holding the guests hostage,” Alex said grimly. “Sixty-million-
    dol ar ransom, or they blow the place to hel .”
    Right. This was T-FLAC, not rinky-dink art thieves. These were terrorists.
    Terrorists with exactly the same demands made in Moscow. “How much
    time do we have?”
    “Six hours, minus thirty-two minutes.”
    “If they’re like the ones in Moscow, that means we can count out five of
    those hours, if that, which leaves precisely twenty-eight minutes until go
    time.” Lexi pushed away from the wall, automatically removing her Glock
    from the hip holster. She didn’t need to see it. She’d practiced
    fieldstripping the weapon in the dark until she had it down to eight
    seconds. From the pressure exerted by the fully compressed clip spring
    she confirmed a
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