Mark. Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen. New York: HarperCollins, 2009.
Wilkerson, Cathy. Flying Close to the Sun: My Life and Times as a Weatherman. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2007.
Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.
opposition to
Abouhalima, Mahmud
Abraham Lincoln Battalion
Abwehr (German military intelligence)
Abzug, Bella
Adams, John
African Americans. See also Civil rights movement; Harlem; Racism; Slavery
American Revolution
antebellum era
Civil War
Cold War era
Depression era
Draft Riot
Dutch colonial era
English colonial era
Vietnam War era
War of 1812
World War I
World War II
Air raid drills
Cold War
World War I
World War II (photo)
Al Qaeda
Alabama (Confederate steamship)
Albany, New York
Albert, Heinrich
Al-Farook Mosque (Brooklyn)
Amagansett, Long Island
Ambrose Channel
American Civil Liberties Union
American Defense Society
American Jewish Congress
American Legion
American Protective League
Amsterdam, Netherlands
and Peter Stuyvesant
post-World War I era
World War I era
Andros, Edmund
Anglo-Dutch Wars
Anglo-French Wars (1689–1763)
Anglo-French Wars (1792–1815)
Anti-immigrant feeling
Civil War era
World War I era
Islamists and
Anti-Semitism (continued)
World War I era
World War II era
Antiwar movement (Vietnam War era)
Arab Americans and Arab immigrants
Archangel, Russia
Armed Resistance Unit
Armistice Day
Astor, John Jacob
Astoria, Queens
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atomic bomb
Atta, Mohammed
Austrian immigrants
Ayyad, Nidal
Azzam, Abdullah
Badillo, Herman
Baez, Joan
Bailey, Bill
Baldwin, Hanson
Baldwin, James
Baldwin, Roger
Bankers and Banks
Barker, Jacob
Bartok, Bela
Baruch, Bernard
Bateman, John
Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn
Battery Park(photo)
Battery, the
colonial era(photo)
Battle of Brooklyn
Battle of Long Island. See Battle of Brooklyn
Baxter, George
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Bayonne, New Jersey
Becker, Norma
Bedacht, Max
Bedford (Kings County)
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
Bedloe’s Island
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Bellamy, Carol
Bellomont, Earl of (Richard Coote)
Berknap, Michael
World War I
World War II
Berlin, Irving
Bernhard, Robert
Bernstein, Adina
Bernstorff, Johann von
Bigart, Homer
Binalshibh, Ramzi
Black Liberation Army
Black Panther Party
Black Tom explosion (photo)
Blacklist, during Cold War era
Block Island
Blockade, British, during War of 1812
Bloody Friday. See Hard hat riot
Board of Education, New York City
Boerum Hill, Brooklyn
Bolshevik Revolution and Bolshevism
Bomb shelters
Bombings, terrorist
Bompard, Jean-Baptiste
Borough Park, Brooklyn
American Revolution
Civil War era
colonial era
World War I era
Boudin, Kathy
Bourne, Randolph
Bowling Green(photo)
Braun, Wernher von
Bread and Puppet Theater
Brecht, Bertolt
Brennan, Peter
Breslin, Jimmy
Breton, Andre
Breuckelen. See Brooklyn
Britain, and British
American Revolution
Civil war
Dutch era
English colonial era
post-revolutionary era and War of 1812
World War I
World War II
British Security Coordination
Bronx, the
Cold War era
Vietnam War era
World War I era
World War II era
civil defense
Civil War
Cold war
Vietnam War era
War of 1812
World War I
World War II
Brooklyn Army Terminal
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn Heights
American Revolution
Brooklyn Navy Yard
War of 1812 era
World War I
World War II
Brown, Harvey
Brown, William Wells
Brownout, World War II
Brownsville, Brooklyn
Buchanan, Franklin
Buda, Mario
Bull magazine
Bull Run, First Battle of
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Bullivant, Benjamin
Burger, Ernst