Need Us

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Book: Need Us Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Heath
and set her on her childhood bed. I watch her toss and turn before smoothing a lock of hair out of her face and leaving the room.
    Wes got a call from Pierce this morning telling her about Rachel. Or that he’s getting separated from her. I don’t know if he gave her any details. But I imagine he did because she isn’t here, she’s with him. Sometimes I don’t understand the bond that they have. He left her hanging at a time when she needed him the most. I picked up the pieces and I had to hold her together for a long time. I hated him then. I hated him more when he got Rach pregnant. Even after all these years I’m still harboring resentment towards him.
    This whole situation doesn’t help.
    I find my mom and dad in the living room. Normally they would be watching TV or reading the paper but now they both sit in silence. You ever get cold chills down your spine and you just know something horrible is about to happen?
    That’s how I feel right now.
    “Royal I need you to come sit down. I have some things I need to talk to you about,” my mom says in her therapist voice. I hate that voice. When she uses it I know she’s going to feed me some psycho babble bullshit.
    “’Kay,” I reply, moving to sit on the couch across from them. This house used to be my home until I left for college. When I came back a year ago, Wes and I bought a house and moved in together. I still love this place though. All its high ceilings and cream-colored walls. The furniture isn’t fancy but it was expensive. The couches have stains and the cushions sink a bit but you know that the people who live here use them. It’s a very comfortable place to be.
    My mom clears her throat and her face goes from blank to worried. That makes me sit up and take notice. She’s worried about Rachel, and I mean I know she should be. We are all worried about Rachel but she’s really worried about Rachel. “Rachel told me what happened when she arrived this morning. I want you to listen to everything I have to say. Don’t interrupt me, just let me get it out. Then you can ask questions. I’m afraid if I don’t get this out to you then I never will.”
    Dread fills my stomach. What did Rachel do? It’s hard to imagine that my sister could do anything to ruin her marriage. The only picture running through my head right now is her standing up at the altar with Pierce. How much love they shared, his hands on her stomach protecting my nephew. I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to love Courtney Pierce that much. He’s a closed off asshole most of the time.
    I just nod my head instead of opening my mouth to speak. I’m frozen in my dread. It might seem simple to you but it’s not. In my group of friends and family, I would choose Wesley and Rachel first. And I have a feeling my fiancé and my twin sister are going to be at odds now. Because Wesley would choose Pierce over Rachel. Life is going to become a living hell.
    “Rachel explained to me that she had a tryst with Donovan Pierce,” Mom blurts and all the muscles in my body lock up.
    I open my mouth to exclaim a few words to make my mom blush but she holds up her hand. My dad looks at me with anger in his eyes. He places his hand on Mom’s shoulder and squeezes, offering his quiet support. “They didn’t have sex. But that’s not what I need to explain to you. Some of the things Rachel said about that night put up red flags in my head.”
    Mom shifts around on the couch, uncomfortable with telling me this. Or maybe she’s just nervous about my reaction. Even Dad looks like he’s ready to bust off the couch and tackle me. “Rachel said she wasn’t into the actions that were going on between her and Donovan. I got the impression she didn’t even know how she ended up in that position to begin with.”
    I don’t like where this is going. If that prick Donovan forced Rachel into what happened I’m going to fucking kill him.
    You, under no circumstances, ever
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