My Story: Lady Jane Grey (My Royal Story)

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Book: My Story: Lady Jane Grey (My Royal Story) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Reid
oaken cradle in the centre of it all.

15 July 1548
Sudeley Castle
    My father has written. He wants to see me! I felt my stomach tie into knots.
    “He is riding all the way to Gloucestershire to see you,” the Queen told me. “Are you not pleased?”
    I could not think how to reply. “He will bring me news of home. I am glad of that,” I said at last.
    The Queen smiled. Did I miss my home? she asked. Again I could not think what to say. I could not tell her that I feared he was coming to take me away and that I could not bear it if he did. I will work even harder at my lessons so that Father will see how well I am doing, and leave me here. But I will be pleased to have news of home. I will write to Katherine, too. I feel guilty that I have not written to her more often. My father will be able to take my letter back with him.

3 August 1548
Sudeley Castle
    I have just watched Father ride away. All I can see now is a faint cloud of dust in the distance. I am full of confused feelings. Did he truly come to see me, or merely to talk to the Admiral? He spent more time with him than with me.
    I showed him what I am studying and we talked together in Latin and Greek. He patted me on the head and said he was proud of me. I take after him, he declared, with my love of books and learning. Katherine has begun to study Greek he told me, but has not got far with it. But she will be a beauty, he added, so perhaps it will not matter. He looked at me critically – and I felt as if my freckles had burst out all over my face. I am no beauty.
    The Admiral and he are as good friends as ever. They seemed to have a lot to talk about. They went for a stroll together in the gardens and took a very long time to return. Both of them seemed very pleased when they did. I wondered if they had been talking about my marriage to the King. I cannot think it will be easy for the Admiral to arrange now that we are so far away from Court.

11 August 1548
Sudeley Castle
    I have been picking leaves and dirt off my gown. Rig crawled into a rabbit hole this afternoon and I had to crawl into the bushes on my hands and knees to pull him out again. I was a sight! It is as well Nurse did not see me. Rig loves it here. Rabbits to chase and burrows to get stuck in! And now the Queen is so big and heavy she has entrusted his daily walks to me.
    And today I nearly lost him when he saw a rabbit and bolted off, the chain dangling from his collar. I gathered my gown in my hand and tore after him, but I could not keep up with him. The Queen’s maids of honour were strolling nearby. How they laughed. I suppose it did look funny – me chasing a small spaniel into the bushes – but I was afraid I would lose him and did not feel like laughing.
    One of the maids saw my distress and ran to my side. “What will I do if I cannot find him?” I said plaintively. “The Queen will be so upset.”
    “We will find him,” she said stoutly. By the time we had and pulled him free she was almost as dirty as me. But she just laughed when she looked down at herself. Elizabeth Tilney is older than me but not too grown up to talk to me. I like her.

30 August 1548
Sudeley Castle
    The midwife has been summoned. The Queen’s pains have begun. I am so excited to think that soon there will be a baby in the new nursery. Elizabeth Tilney and I are wondering what name the baby will be given.
    “She is bound to call it Mary, if it is a girl,” said Elizabeth. (The Lady Mary is the baby’s godmother and the godmother chooses the baby’s name.) I feel sure that Elizabeth and I are going to be great friends.
    “What will she call the baby, if it is a boy?” I asked. “Thomas, after the Admiral?” (We were speaking in whispers. I am not sure why.)
    “She might name it Edward, after the King’s Grace,” said Elizabeth thoughtfully. At the mention of Edward’s name I felt my cheeks grow pink. “Why – you blush, my lady, do you have a secret?” Elizabeth said slyly. I looked down.
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