My Story: Lady Jane Grey (My Royal Story)

My Story: Lady Jane Grey (My Royal Story) Read Online Free PDF

Book: My Story: Lady Jane Grey (My Royal Story) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Reid
and erect throughout the meal and how disdainfully she answered every remark the Admiral made. It made me squirm. Oh, I was glad when the meal was over.
    I wish I knew what has upset the Queen. She is so quiet and seems so sad.

7 May 1548
Chelsea Place
    Elizabeth is soon to leave us. The Queen explained that she tires easily now and cannot give Elizabeth the care she feels she needs. So she is to stay with Sir Anthony and Lady Denny at Cheshunt. Well, good! I cannot pretend that I am sorry. Elizabeth is a minx. But I am sorry that Master Ascham will no longer be my tutor. And Master Ascham said he relished our pitting our wits against each other. I will have no one to pit them against now, but I mean to work just as hard and when I am not at my books, I will do my utmost to serve the Queen. It is her first pregnancy, and she is old – 35. This afternoon she told me that my presence was such a comfort to her. It made me feel very happy.

12 May 1548
Chelsea Place
    The house feels strangely empty without Elizabeth’s presence and Kat’s chattering tongue, but I am relieved they are gone. Something of the awful atmosphere has left with the Princess. She was very upset and the Queen had to comfort her. I heard. I had gone to fetch the Queen a cushion and when I got back, Elizabeth was with her. Elizabeth’s eyelids were red and swollen and she was crying.
    “Hush hush,” the Queen was saying. “I am not angry with you.” Then she saw me and looked embarrassed. I cannot think why. And something happened earlier that also puzzles me. Before she left, the Princess interrupted my lesson to collect her books. She looked confused when she saw me sitting there, even though it was the usual time for our lessons. She picked up her books, and put them down again. Then, to my astonishment, she leaned forward and dropped a quick kiss on my forehead. “You are a good girl, little cousin Jane,” she said. “I wish I could be more like you.” I did not know what to say. But before I could speak she had gathered up her books and fled from the room. Why is the Queen not angry with Elizabeth? Why should she be angry? What is it they are hiding from me? I hate it when people have secrets from me. But Nurse says I must remember not to poke my nose into matters that do not concern me and I know that she is right. I will try to forget about it.

1 June 1548
Chelsea Place
    Now it is our turn to leave. The Queen is soon to be confined and the Admiral is anxious that we are safely installed at Sudeley Castle before her baby is born. Builders have been working there for months and he says it is only now that the castle is fit for her. Fit for a queen. He is very proud of it and has ridden there several times these past few months to make sure that her apartments are ready. He has described the nursery to me. If the castle is fit for a queen the nursery is fit for a prince! He shows such care for the Queen’s comfort and today I caught her smile at him – I swear it is the first time I have seen her smile at the Admiral since the dreadful day “it” happened. (I still do not know what “it” was, and nor do I want to, not now.) I hope that when I marry my husband will show as much care for me. And then I found myself thinking about Edward. I have heard nothing more about my marriage to him and I am secretly relieved. But I will be twelve next year, so it cannot be long before a marriage is arranged for me.

5 July 1548
Sudeley Castle
    Sudeley Castle is beautiful! I love it even more than Chelsea. Here we are truly in the countryside. But what makes me happiest is that the Admiral and the Queen are friends again, and the Queen has declared herself delighted with her new apartments. I have a comfortable chamber nearby. Rig runs to and fro, getting under the servants’ feet. He is still not sure why we are here! And the nursery – ’tis indeed fit for a prince – rich hangings of crimson taffeta, and gold chairs, and the most beautiful
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