Mr Mingin

Mr Mingin Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mr Mingin Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Walliams
hackit glaikit wee bully.” Chloe looked on aw nervous. She hatit confrontation.
    Tae mak maitters warse, Rosamund taen a step forrit and stood neb tae neb wi Mr Mingin. “Say that tae ma face, ye auld minger!”
    For a meenit Mr Mingin wis silent. Then he opened his mooth and let oot the deepest daurkest clartiest boak.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
    Rosamund’s fizzog turnt aw green. It wis as if she wis surroondit by a tornado o pure honk. It wis the reek o coffee and sassidges and foostie vegetables raked oot o bins aw rolled intae yin. Rosamund turnt and ran, birlin doon the high street in sic a panic that she drapped her Tapshoap pokes on the wey.
    “That wis sae funny!” lauched Chloe.
    “I didnae mean tae boak. Maist impoleet. It wis jist that coffee comin back on us. Dearie me! Noo nixt time I want tae see you staund up for yersel, Miss Chloe. A bully can ainly mak ye feel bad aboot yersel if ye let them.”
    “OK … I’ll try,” said Chloe. “Sae … see ye the morra?”
    “If ye really want tae,” he replied.
    “I wid love tae.”
    “And I wid love tae and aw!” he said, his een skinklin and skinklin as the last gowden lowe o sunlicht jagged like a skelf through the sky.
    At that meenit a 4x4 thunnered past. Its giant tyres skelped through a muckle dub aside the bus stap, flingin up a wave that drookit Mr Mingin fae clarty heid tae clarty tae.
    Watter dreepin fae his glesses, he gied Chloe a wee bow. “And that,” he said, “is hoo a mannie ayewis walks on the ootside.”
    “Guid joab it wisnae a chanty!” keckled Chloe.

    The nixt mornin Chloe poued open her curtains. Whit wey wis there a muckle great ‘O’ and a muckle great ‘V’ stuck tae her windae? She gaed ootside in her dressin goun tae hae a look.
    ‘VOTE PLOOM!’ wis spelled oot in muckle great letters across the windaes o the hoose. Elizabeth the bawdrins cam oot wi a rosette embleezoned wi the words ‘Ploom for MP’ attached tae her jewel-encrustit collar.
    Then Annabelle cam skippin oot the hoose wi an air o self-congratulory joy that wis instantly boakworthy.
    “Whaur are ye gaun?” spiered Chloe.
    “As her favourite dochter, Mither has entrustit me wi the responsibility o pittin these leaflets through ilka door in the street. She’s staundin tae be a Memmer o Parliament, ken?
    “Gie’s a look at that,” said Chloe raxin oot tae tak yin o the leaflets. The twa battlin sisters had lang syne stapped sayin ‘please’ and ‘thank you awfie muckle’.

    Annabelle taen it back. “I’m no wastin yin on you!” she snirled.
    “Gie’s a look!” Chloe poued the leaflet oot o Annabelle’s haun. It wis guid sometimes bein the aulder sister; whiles ye could jist use brute force. Annabelle gaed aff in the huff wi the lave o the leaflets. Chloe walked back intae the hoose studyin it, her baffies aw weet fae the dew. Mither wis aye gaun on and on aboot hoo she should run the country, but Chloe foond the subject sae dreich and doitit that her imagination wid lowp awa intae la-la laund whenever the subject cam up.
    On the front o the leaflet wis a photie o Mither lookin awfie serious, wi her brawest pearlies roond her thrapple, her hair sae waxy wi spray that it wid turn intae a firebaw if ye pit a lit match tae it. Inside wis a lang leet o her policies.

    1) A curfew tae be introduced tae mak sure aw bairns unner 30 are no allooed oot efter 8pm and are preferably in their beds wi the lichts oot by 9pm.

    2) The polis tae be gien new pouers tae arrest folk for talkin ower lood in public.

    3) Middens that drap litter and chuck bruck tae be deportit.

    4) The wearin o leggins tae be ootlawed in public places, as they are
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