Holly Lester

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Book: Holly Lester Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Rosenheim
up there?’ he asked, pointing above the shower nozzle.
    â€˜Maybe,’ she said coyly. ‘I hope I’m not embarrassing you again.’
    â€˜Me?’ he asked, feeling himself blush.
?’ she countered. Then she grew serious. ‘I’m sorry about yesterday, and my guards. Those chaps still aren’t used to me – I’m trying to keep my life as it was. And I suppose I’m not used to them yet, either.’
    â€˜Don’t worry. From their point of view, I suppose it’s “better safe than sorry.”’
    â€˜You know what I first liked about you?’
    He shrugged, and was momentarily tempted to grab the handle next to them and douse them both.
    â€˜I mean besides the way you looked. It was the fact that you didn’t know who I was.’
    She was smiling at him, and her eyes seemed large as – as what? he asked himself self-consciously, trying to convince himself that the wife of the Labour Party leader was doing what he thought she was doing. Large as saucers? Large as sugar beets? Then a question occurred to him. ‘How do you know I know who you are now? If you know what I mean.’
    â€˜Maybe you don’t,’ she said coolly, and put a hand on his chest. He felt at once strange and strongly attracted. He was also tired of feeling twelve years old. So he leaned down (quite a way in fact as Holly was much shorter without her heels) and kissed her gently on the lips. He was unsure of the reception he would receive, and so confused by the past quarter-of-an-hour that he would have been hard pressed to predict how she would respond, but the alacrity with which she slipped her tongue between his front teeth and swirled it around in his mouth answered his doubts.
    As they continued to kiss, she reached down and felt him through his trousers, though there was little need to arouse him further. He wondered what to do next? Sex in the shower usually involved hot water, lots of soap, and no clothes. He was about to move his mouth carefully but determinedly onto her cheek, to pause for breath and ask her how she wanted to proceed, when a voice echoed around the shower chamber.
    He jerked away involuntarily and tried to step back. She grabbed his arms. ‘It’s the intercom, idiot,’ she said. ‘Ignore it.’ She put her mouth up to be kissed again, when suddenly he heard a howl from the bathroom door. ‘Mummy!’
    Again he started and withdrew. ‘Relax,’ she insisted. ‘I’ve locked the door.’ This time he leant forward to re-enter their clinch, but now the sound of a mobile phone cut through the air, trilling in a high-pitched musical quaver.
    To his relief, even Holly reacted, backing off, then opening the shower door and moving to the medicine cabinet over the loo. From it she retrieved a mobile phone, pressed a button, and said harshly, ‘Yes. What is it?’
    As the child banged on the bathroom door, Billings stepped out of the shower, finding his excitement rapidly disappearing. Holly barked at her mobile, a voice cackled on the unseen intercom, and he thought it prudent to open the door. When he did, the child on the other side had disappeared. He turned back to find Holly putting away the phone. ‘Sorry about that,’ she declared. ‘Why don’t you shut the door and we can start all over again?’
    He looked at her and sighed. ‘Please don’t misunderstand me. I’d love to, honestly I would. But I have the feeling that as soon as I lay a hand on you, your son will knock at the door, your office will ring you on your mobile, and the daily will start shouting over the intercom.’
    â€˜She’s not the daily,’ Holly said with irritation.
    â€˜For Christ’s sake, what is she then? Another security guard?’
    Holly stared at him coolly. ‘Precisely.’
    He started to speak, then stopped short. ‘She’s what? MI5? Or is it
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