More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel

More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Erin Knightley
Seeton’s Book of Etiquette: Rules, Direction, and Proper Behavior for the Fair Sex
    O ne second, Benedict’s brain had been frozen from the shock of discovering that the incredibly beautiful blond goddess before him was, in fact, Evie. His Evie. The Evie who was supposed to be in London, far away from the house he sought refuge in.
    The next thing he knew, he was jerking into action, opening his mouth without a clue about what he would say, only suddenly very sure that Evie could not know he was Hastings. “Mr. James Benedict, at your service, my lady.”
    The lie was like vinegar in his mouth, and he gritted his teeth with the effort to keep his expression neutral. God, what had he done? His gaze shot to Richard, who stood just to the right of his sister. At any other time, his face would have been comical. Not then. No, at that moment, Benedict could do nothing but pray his old friend wouldn’t call him out right then and there.
    Blessedly oblivious to the silent battle between the men, Evie grinned. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Benedict. And thank you for speaking up; my brother does tend to like to hear himself speak.” She bumped Richard with her shoulder teasingly. Thank God she didn’t look to his face. With his mouth frozen open and his eyes akin to those of a startled owl, she would have known in an instant something was not right.
    Benedict met Richard’s gaze straight on, willing him to go along with the ruse. The damned lie had just come out, as natural as taking a breath of air. Really, what the hell else could Benedict have done? Bits and pieces of that dreadful last letter came rushing back to him. If she knew who he was, she would probably eviscerate him—with words, if he were lucky, though he deserved worse.
    Damn it all, he had too much to handle as it was; adding in an irate ghost from his past would make the situation unbearable.
    Loosening the muscles of his jaw, he offered her his best impersonation of a lighthearted smile. “Yes, I was beginning to wonder if he’d simply forgotten who I was.”
    Richard’s mouth snapped shut then, and he gave Benedict a considering look. “No,” he said slowly, “ I for one, have not forgotten who you are, Mister Benedict.”
    The emphasis was subtle, but unmistakable. Still, Benedict’s galloping pulse slowed a little. Richard would go along with him—for now, at least. Even as he tried to concentrate on the farce in front of him, Benedict’s mind raced to think of an explanation for when he and Richard were next alone. Whatever it was, it had to be damned good.
    “Well, allow me to welcome you to Hertford Hall.” Evie gave a small flick of her wrist, encompassing the whole of the house and grounds past the stable door. Obediently, Benedict wrenched his gaze from her attractive form and surveyed the scenery as any normal guest would. It truly was impressive—even more so than his own family’s estate in Leicestershire. With the massive stone facade rising from the gently sloping hill, it had the effect of somehow presiding over the neatly manicured lawns and rolling forestland beyond. The stable block, which he knew to be the home of the family’s horse-breeding operation, paid homage to the house itself, with great arching windows and stately stone walls. There was no mistaking the pride the family took in the place.
    “Thank you, my lady. It is a pleasure to finally see the place for myself.” He could have bitten his tongue. Finally?
    Her hand went to her trim waist, which was nicely emphasized by the cut of her light blue riding habit. “I hadn’t realized you’d been acquainted so very long. How is it that you and my brother know each other, Mr. Benedict?”
    A very good question. Beside her, Richard crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side, the first hint of amusement coloring his expression. With both siblings waiting expectantly, Benedict decided to go with the most obvious answer. “Eton, actually. We
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