More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel

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Book: More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Erin Knightley
completely. Where had this gorgeous man come from? For endless seconds she stood stock-still, held not only in his grasp, but in his curious gaze as well. He had the loveliest eyes she had ever seen, like the burnished mahogany of her father’s heirloom desk.
    “Miss? Are you injured?”
    Evie blinked. She should say something. She should really say something. “Um. . . quite.”
    His dark eyebrows scrunched together as he tilted his head slightly. “Quite . . . injured?”
    “No! Quite all right. I’m fine, really. Um, thank you.” Oh Lord, why must she lose her wits, now of all times? Here, now, with a gorgeous stranger very nearly holding her in his arms? She finally understood what it meant to be struck dumb by something, and at the worst possible time.
    And now he was looking at her as if she was one horse short of a matched pair. “You’re certain?”
    Evie almost laughed. Was she certain? Not in the slightest. She felt as though she had just been spun around in circles, but there was no way she would tell him as much. She took a quick step back, pulling away from his steadying hands. It was far enough to miss his warmth, but at least she could still detect the subtle, enticing hint of leather and sandalwood. She took a slow breath and offered him a smile. “Yes, I’m certain. Please accept my apologies for not watching where I was going, Mr. . . . ?”
    Evie jumped, whirling around at the unexpected voice from behind her. “Richard! What on earth are you doing here?”
    She wouldn’t have been more surprised if Prinny himself had been standing in her stables. Joy swooped through her, and she opened her arms to her brother. Grinning, he came forward and scooped her up in a bear hug, giving her a little spin so that her feet swung out as if she were a child. “Richard, put me down!” The admonishment didn’t have much effect, couched by her laughter. Only her brother could make her feel like a ten-year-old girl again.
    When at last he set her down, she giggled and stepped back. Evie looked him over, taking in his tousled blond hair and wind-reddened cheeks. She could hardly believe he was here at the Hall, now of all times. “What on earthare you doing here? It’s such a lovely surprise!”
    “Well, it’s good to see you, too, Little Bit. Are you headed out for a ride?”
    “Yes, I was before I ran into our visitor. A friend of yours, I presume?” She motioned toward the stranger but froze when their eyes met. He was watching her with such intensity, she instinctively took a tiny step back. The look was gone in an instant. Evie blinked in confusion. How completely odd. Could she have possibly imagined the fierceness of his gaze? Surely she had—she had only just met the man! He’d have no cause to care one way or another about her. Nonetheless, a tiny shiver raced down her spine.
    A chuckle drew her attention back to Richard. He flashed a broad, cheeky grin her way, shaking his head slowly. “I can’t believe I haven’t introduced the two of you yet.”
    Evie raised an eyebrow. He was up to something.
    Without thinking, she backed up a step. The move only made his smile grow. She cut her eyes toward the other man. She did not want to embarrass herself in front of him any more than she already had. Fortunately, he paid her no mind at all. The whole of his attention was focused sharply on Richard.
    For some reason, her brother seemed to enjoy the moment. With his usual flare for dramatics, he said, “My dear Evie, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to my friend, the venerated, the enigmatic, the long-aw—”
    And at that moment the stranger stepped forward.

Chapter Three
And don’t you dare lie to me, Hastings. Our conversations may be formed through ink and paper, but I promise you I will know if you are fibbing, and you will regret it. Did you, or did you not send the blasted book?
—From Evie to Hastings, upon the arrival of an anonymously sent copy of Mrs.
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