Moonbeams and magic

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Book: Moonbeams and magic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janelle Taylor
Tags: Fantasy fiction
her defiance to Tochar, especially if she found a cunning way to excuse it. She also tried not to think about the audacious remarks she made to Dagan before she allegedly killed him, words he no doubt found amusing and enticing from his expressions.
    As the slave returned and served them, Dagan pretended to listen to Starla and Tochar chat, but his mind kept drifting to the incident on the transporter and her provocative words. He couldn't surmise why she hadn't slain him, but he was grateful enough to conceal news of her defiance, no matter if revealing it would score him big points. She didn't seem worried, so her parmer that deega must not have seen him, as she had covered his face with a sack. But if Moig recognized him, they were both in trouble for keeping secrets. Maybe he shouldn't take that risk; maybe he should expose her while he had time to joke it off. If he waited and Moig fingered him, Tochar would be suspicious of why he held silent and would send him on his way.
    But, Dagan deduced, he might get Starla Vedris killed or punished for no reason, if Moig was ignorant. For certain, Tochar wasn't a man to dupe without an excellent motive,

    especially while sitting in his stronghold. He had noticed the discolored spots on the slave's face and arms and the terror in the poor creature's eyes. Any man, Dagan felt, who could do such despicable acts was an unpredictable and untrustworthy lowlife. If this job wasn't imperative, he would be gone on the next ship out. As to Starla, she was a mystery; he had never heard of her and her exploits. He wondered how and when and why she had linked up with Tochar and how she felt about the man. He needed to learn her secrets fast or she could be trouble for him if his guard rebelliously relaxed around her. It didn't sit well that he was so attracted to her, that he might jeopardize his wants and needs to save her life and skin.
    Starla was looking down at the three powerful crystals lying on his desk. "Those are exquisite moonbeams, Tochar, but rather small ones," she remarked. "They would be breathtaking if they were gems and were studded into a gold neck ring. Of course, they're too valuable and useful for mere adornment."
    The leader fingered them aknost erotically. "Dagan just sold them to me. He won them in a rest game from a cunning thief."
    Dagan grinned. "If I had known those gems were so precious, I wouldn't have held on to them for so long. They're about the only thing I rescued after my little problem with those Sekis. Too bad my ship wouldn't fit in my pocket like they did. If I could get my hands on more of those, I'd be rich very soon with what you're willing to pay for them."
    Tochar lifted one moonbeam, held it toward the light, and admired its color. These are the last ones you will be able to win in any game. No worker can sneak them out of the mines anymore because of security inspections, and markets for them are rare and buyers are dangerous to seek."
    "Ships transporting them would make perfect targets," Dagan hinted.
    "Do not attempt to raid one unless you are ready to die

    or you know for certain it is safe to attack," Tochar warned. "The Serians and Kalfans are very protective of these beauties, very secretive about them. At least they tried to keep news of their discovery from general knowledge, but word always filters out about something so unique and potent."
    "What's so special about them? Why the secrecy?" Da-gan inquired as he leaned forward to inspect the small crystals again.
    "They have many uses. Research is being done to determine their full potential. But let us talk of other things, get better acquainted."
    Starla deduced Tochar's reason for changing the subject: he didn't want Dagan—or anyone—^to become fiilly aware of the moonbeams' enormous power and value. The two yellow ones could be ground into minute particles, then placed inside a tumor by surgery or injection to destroy it without damaging healthy cells or tissues and without side
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