Moonbeams and magic

Moonbeams and magic Read Online Free PDF

Book: Moonbeams and magic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janelle Taylor
Tags: Fantasy fiction
    Good, he's a stranger to you. "I'll work with any man or woman you select, Tochar; you are our leader, a generous and superior one," she replied in a smooth and professional tone, though she surmised the fiendal was using her to tempt Dagan Latu into becoming one of his hirelings.
    Tochar chuckled. "I am the only potentate you have ever served." He glanced at Dagan. "Like you, Starla has always been a loner, a success on her own. But I persuaded her to work for me and to enjoy the sanctuary and rewards I have to offer. I hope you will do the same."
    "The offer you made sounds appealing," Dagan said, "especially the refuge and hefty payments, both of which I am in dire need of at present. As to Starla Vedris, she must be skilled in many ways to be thought and spoken of so highly by you. She is indeed beautiful, and a pleasure to meet. I'm certain I'll enjoy working with her at every available chance." He was fascinated by the desirable space pirate who appeared just as intrigued by and drawn to him, as he was to her.
    "Starla is exquisite, but I must caution you, Dagan, to use care and respect with her. She is one of my best raiders.

    so I cannot allow anyone to provoke her into leaving me by offending her with an unwanted pursuit. Of course, she is free to select her own companions and diversions."
    "I catch your meaning, Tochar, and I'll honor your caution."
    "Excellent, because you and Starla will make a fine pair for some of my most important treks. With you two as a unit and Auken, Sach, and Moig as another, I will have two superior teams to handle crucial raids. Sit and relax, you two. Starla, would you care for a refreshment?"
    She took the seata nearest Dagan's to prove to both men she was not afraid of the newcomer. "Mumfresia will be fine." She watched Tochar press a button on his control panel; the female slave appeared with haste, as if she feared a delay would anger her master and provoke punishment. Starla had seen bruises on Zarafa's yellow skin that implied abuse. She detested any male who used brutality on a helpless victim of any age or sex. Yet, she was not in a position to defend or rescue the alien slave. When she completed her mission, she would endeavor to do so.
    "Mumfresia for Starla, and refills for me and Dagan."
    She noticed the kindly behavior the cunning Tochar exhibited toward the slave to make a good impression on Dagan. She knew that the leader and this settlement had no automatic servo units to provide refreshments and meals by request using coded metallic cards and advanced technology, just as it lacked other features to make work easier and life more enjoyable. Most of the living conditions and amenities were like those in her world more than a hundred yings ago, as it was not a place which attracted scientists and technicians to build, operate, and repair them. Yet, the primitive lifestyle suited the type of people who populated Tochara. After the woman's departure, Starla asked Tochar, "Will we be going out again soon? I get itchy sitting around too long."
    "You see, Dagan, Starla is as eager to get rich as you

    are, but for different reasons. Yes, my lovely creature, your next departure is in two deegas. It is another risky and profitable venture for you. Auken will give you the schedule; you will be using his ship this time."
    That news told her their target was another cargo of moonbeams, but it didn't reveal the crystals departure point: Sen or Kalfa. She would ponder the matter later. For now, she needed to stay alert for trouble from the handsome male nearby, who kept glancing at her and who probably was surprised to see her again. She could not guess so soon if he was going to expose her with the hope of gaining his new leader's gratitude and favor. Perhaps the appealing vil-lite wanted her to sweat for a time out of revenge for defeating him, or perhaps he was repaying her for sparing his life. Or perhaps he assumed extorting her would be more profitable than revealing
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