Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2)

Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cindy Bell
Tags: Women Sleuths, Mystery, Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, cozy, Amateur Sleuths
turned to face Samantha with irritated expressions.
    “Is there a problem?” the taller officer asked.
    “Why are you taking this man into custody?” Samantha demanded. Her tone was verging on disrespectful.
    “He's in custody because he's suspected of murder.” The officer looked between Eddy and Samantha. His demeanor shifted from annoyed to stern. “Is there something that you know, that we don't?”
    “Just that Simon is not a killer,” Samantha said with clear confidence. She had a tendency to be very protective. She had seen a lot of injustice during her time as a crime journalist. Just because a person was convicted of a crime, that didn't always mean that they were guilty of that crime. She didn't want to see Simon go through that, too. Although, she didn't like to cross the police, she would if she thought someone was being wrongfully accused.
    “Oh? How do you know that?” The officer took a step closer to Samantha.
    “I just do. He's a good man. He keeps to himself.” Samantha straightened her shoulders and planted her feet firmly. She was determined not to be intimidated.
    “So, he puts on a good show and remains isolated?” The officer shook his head. “Classic psychopathic behavior.”
    “Someone's been watching too many crime shows,” Eddy muttered under his breath. He could feel the tension building between the officer and Samantha. He knew that it was only a matter of time before she blew and that could lead to her being in handcuffs. “Look, what possible proof could you have that Simon is the killer?”
    “Although, you are not someone I have to prove anything to, if you must know, we found the murder weapon in his toolbox.” The officer gestured to an open metal toolbox on the ground beside him. “Now, do you have anything else that you would like to add?”
    Samantha watched as the other officer bagged the bloody screwdriver for evidence. Her stomach flipped anxiously. If it was true that Simon had the murder weapon, the case against him would be a slam dunk. She wondered if it was possible that she could have been so off base about him.
    “So, he was just walking around with the murder weapon in his toolbox?” Eddy said with disbelief. “That doesn't make much sense to me.”
    “Murder doesn't make much sense to me.” The officer narrowed his eyes. “So, I don't expect killers to make sense either.”
    “Good point,” Eddy agreed. He glanced over at Samantha. She was still staring at the bagged murder weapon.
    “Here is my card.” The officer handed over a business card to each of them. “If either of you think of anything that you feel has something to do with this case, please feel free to call.”
    Samantha clutched the card tightly. She nodded as the officer walked over to the car.
    “Strange case,” Eddy's quiet words trailed after the car as it drove out of Sage Gardens.
    “I just find it very hard to believe, Eddy. Of all the people I have met since I have moved to Sage Gardens, Simon would be one of the last that I would consider dangerous.”
    “I have to say he's never struck me as someone to watch out for, even with his size. He's always been friendly enough to me,” Eddy retorted with a puzzled frown. “But with the murder weapon in his toolbox, it's hard to question the arrest.”
    “Why would he hide it in his toolbox?” Samantha questioned. “Wouldn’t he just get rid of it?”
    “Maybe he panicked,” Eddy said. “Didn’t think it through.”
    “I guess it’s possible,” Samantha said but she wasn’t convinced.
    “Let me walk you back to your villa.” Eddy smiled sympathetically at her. “I want to make sure you get some rest.”
    “How could I rest knowing that Simon has been arrested for something that he didn't do?” She shook her head. “No, I won't be resting. Not until Simon is out of jail.”
    “I think you're taking this far too seriously, Samantha. It's not as if they're going to hang him by his toes and torture him. They'll
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